
Twenty Christmases is absolutely not out of the question for an artificial tree. My parents bought one in 1980-something. I grew up opening presents under that tree. When my wife and I bought our first house in 2005, they gave that tree to us. We used it for ten more years before deciding really needed a smaller one.

Wanna know what that stuff is? It’s laundry detergent that has no starch, fats, or bleach. Guaranteed. Other than that, it’s just soap. Nothing at all wrong with using it, and piece of mind is definitely worth $$$, but any other detergent that meets those qualifications will work just as well and cost less.

Also which King Kong?

For a hot second there I thought that was Matt Lauer and Al Roker in the lead image and was like WTF?

It’s been shown by several well-respected actors, who definitely did lots of scientific research, that window-shade cords cause autism.

If you’re going to be a snarky little bitch, I’ll just leave you here on the Death Star. We’re going to blow it up soon, you know.

I’m Luke Skywalker and I’m here to rescue you.

It shows up quite a bit throughout the Star Wars movies.

So as a former TJ owner, the thing that always kept me from taking the top off was not any difficulty in removing it, which was pretty quick, faster than this, even, as I recall (it’s been a while since I had a Jeep). The problem was how hard it was to put back ON. Not something you want to have to do at moment’s

designed with the race track in mind, but are technically still DOT approved.

The F1 clearly made compromises. There were no windows in the doors.

Real freedom is not spending $850 on a phone that you have to treat with kid gloves. Freedom is not spending nearly a thousand dollars on something you have to constantly worry about being broken on slightly scratched. Freedom is realizing that depreciation due to obsolescence is going to hurt your expensive gadget’s

No, Melanie, your iPhone is stupid expensive. “Phones” in general have dropped in price to the point where you can get a perfectly acceptable, capable phone for not a whole lot of money.

You really can’t make some of this stuff up.

That’s what you call “owning it”.

Now you’ve done it, Stef. You’ve pissed off exactly half the hardcore pedantic monster truck crowd.


He started it, Mom.

That’s exactly why I brought it up. When this story first came to light a week or so ago, it the drug use was reported by other (non-right-wing) news outlets. This article and Time both glossed over that fact. I just think it’s important to have the whole story. I’m not a (completely) heartless bastard, though. I do

Don’t get your panties in a twist, Nancy. I was responding to one oversimplified soundbite with another. That’s what we do here at The Internet. Keeps things uncivilized.