
Doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.

It makes lots of smoke, which clearly means it working. Right? RIGHT?


If the NC Miata is anything to go by, yes, they have. They are far, far, far less prone to rust than earlier gens.

Rear view cameras are now required by law, negating the need for a rear window. Designers know this and are simply complying with Federal regulations.

(I learned this strategy by playing Words With Friends against a Republican.)

I once took a first date apple picking since it was September. We already knew each other, so going for a long drive to the orchard and back gave us lots of time to chat. Nice gal, but it didn’t work out.

Probably. Mostly because you’re the only one that knew what the fuck “1900's ice goggles” were before you explained it. ;)

We may finally find out whether or not Robin Masters is actually Higgins!

I actually remember that series of episodes!

Top notch analysis!

That’s actually how I watched it the first time. I was a long time before I finally watched everything and figured out how all the pieces fit together. Never watched the whole thing in order until years later.

Interesting take. Although in my case it’s backfired more often than not. I don’t know how many mediocre series I’ve started to watch and lost interest, never to return in part because of the massive time commitment to get caught up.

I mean, they didn’t put her in a bikini or anything, but Joan Collins was pretty hot back in the day. And, come on... you know Kirk isn’t above dick jokes.

I Kinja’ed about this in another article about Discovery. Non-serialized TV was mostly a necessity back before Netflix and DVRs. Back then, if you missed an episode, you missed it. At least until it showed up again in a summer re-run or in syndication. Sure, VCRs have been a thing for a lot longer, but you had to

It was the shock wave, not fallout, and the shock wave is what does the majority of damage in an explosion.

It’s not entirely unheard of for a desert to lie in proximity to an ocean.

There’s also speculation that a necklace he wears—so far unseen—plays some larger role.

It was designed by car designers. The same people that put a 330i badge on a BMW that doesn’t have a 3.0 liter engine anymore. At one time, it meant 3-series body, 3.0 liter engine, but not anymore. Same logic here. The “TIE” designation doesn’t meant what it used to mean anymore.