
Both are boats.

You are not alone. I even owned one back in the day. Yeah, it didn’t age well, was barely updated (thanks Daimler), and has not scored points for long term serviceability (head gasket, timing belt). But people forget that when it arrived, it was heralded for its styling (retro was cool then), affordability, and

And fuck this lamp! And fuck this paddle ball game!

Probably the lamest murder attempt ever caught on video. Killing a motorcyclist with an automobile should be like shooting fish in a barrel. But no, this guy manages to screw it up in spectacular fashion.

As I recall it was met with plenty of critical acclaim. So, underrated, no. Underappreciated, yes. It was a great movie. I actually started watching F1 again after seeing it.

I had an N/A version of that for a little while. What a great fucking car. So much fun.

Silence. Absolute, cold, terrifying silence.

On the other hand, complaints are also made about Porsche selling exclusive limited production versions of their 911 to car flippers.

You’re right. It’s not as funny.

Actually the closest American equivalent to Tim’s is Tim’s. They have lots of stores here now. I like Tim’s coffee and breakfast sammiches. DD is good for coffee and donuts and nothing else.

I saw that same thing happen, and then the cop proceeded to pull into the Tim Horton’s on the corner. I’ve never had their donuts before, but they must be pretty damn good.

See, now you’re trying to make sense. You’d never make it in the world of automotive software design.

Not offended. Annoyed.

I dunno. I just feel like anyone that uses the term “drift missile” needs to be punched in the throat. It’s just... I dunno... the mating call of the douchebag or something.

Perfectly acceptable. When I was serving coffee at our local C&C, it was a great conversation starter. Guy wearing the Porsche 356 t-shirt? That was probably his 356 I saw roll in. Let’s have a chat about it. Met some very cool people that way.

So The Conjuring is now a “universe”. Great. Not satisfied with just calling it a sequel anymore, are we?

I didn’t even get through the credits. The opening scene was enough to tell me what level this show was on.

I never got around to watching this show, and now I’m glad I didn’t.

Wouldn’t be the first time a Hollywood franchise decided to completely ignore that a bad sequel ever happened. I can think of two examples right off the top of my head:

So much for the Freedom of [redacted] Act.