
Well howbowdah. Even though I cut the cord several years ago, my old cable password still works for access to FS Go. Hot freakin’ damn!

Meh. You win some, you lose some. But thanks for the kind words.


similar to a human being sexually attracted to a possum

Lithgow is an amazing actor. I have little doubt that he could be a convincing Catwoman if he wanted.

Sounds like you’ve got the touch.

It all depends on what they knew, when, and what can be proven. Without a paper trail, Bosch could easily make the case that they developed this software for VW under the assumption it would be used for “test purposes only”, and it was VW’s decision to use it for something other than its intended purpose.

And we had better beer in the 80s.

That “spoken-word poetry” are the lyrics to “Can You Read My Mind?”, the love theme in the movie, and the song being played in the background at that time. A really beautiful song. Too bad Margot Kidder can’t sing worth shit and ruined that moment for you. In the 70s, spoken word was a thing. Like disco, it didn’t

Oh yeah, the 70s kicked ass. Malaise Days, oil embargo, gas crisis, finally giving up the ghost in ‘Nam, porn with pubic hair,Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Khomeni, Watergate... disco. It sure was great, wasn’t it?
At least in the 80's we had plenty of money to splurge on cocaine and giant cell phones.

“Super Cool” in case you weren’t quite sure.

That House Wine boxed stuff is pretty damn good.

If she smiled at them, she might get them to do a wicked j-turn and burnout in the opposite direction.

This is exactly the reason why no one listens to the scientists in disaster movies.

That’s also Michael Bay’s philosophy to filmmaking. Nice job with the poster!

Not sure how you got that out of it, but ok. I’d prefer if it were interpreted as “Both sides are bad. It doesn’t matter who you vote for. If you want something done right, do it yourself.”

You’ll have a hard time convincing me that government and unions are looking out for our best interests either. Frankly, they can all go fuck themselves. Face it, ain’t nobody looking out for number one but number one.

My local autocross club runs our courses on a small, banked, oval track (plus the infield pit lanes). On rainy days, even we stay off the banking. Because wet track + banked corners + concrete walls = a very bad day.

Wouldn’t be surprised if he can still do one-handed push-ups.

Gee, thanks.