
Yeah, but you won’t be paying for those gaskets. Factory warranty and all that...

Crashing is bad, m’kay?

All this glowy purple tech has got me thinking there might be an Infinity Stone at work here...

Also that height doubt he is any of the humans we know about. So a completely new character then? Interesting.

I’m just gonna say... that Beetle on steelies and fat snow tires looks kinda badass.

Red people. Are you ready for a red phone?

Mazda will never return to the like of anything larger than the Miata for a sports car.

How do we know that isn’t just a really tiny truck?

Luckily, we do. And he got dinged for stuff like that. He’s a much better manager nowadays. I’d even go so far as to say I like working for him now.

in fact, it’s important to do that because otherwise you’re not likely to be able to make the changes your manager is requesting.

Cincinnati native here. Our chili does not contain beans or noodles. The chili is the meaty, greasy sauce that gets poured over top of those things, then covered with copious amounts of cheese. Texas chili is a meal. Cincinnati chili is a sauce. It’s fine if you don’t like it, though. More for me.

Yes, except 1/4” tall. (estimated)

Actually, it may not be old at all! Apparently they are still making them...

Me neither. But it looks like some of those noisy old birds are still flying!

All my toys from my youth, all the Hot Wheels, all the Star Wars figures, all the GIJoes and Transformers and He-Mans (men?) are either destroyed or were passed on to my nephews, who proceeded to play with them for years and destroy the rest of them. No amount of money would get me to take that back. That time and

He was the first guy in the crowd to see Superman, and is pointing it out to everyone else, who are now looking in that direction. In short, he’s the “Look, up in the sky!” dude.

I’m gonna guess... Darth Vader?

Kinda glad I only vaguely know what a Rihanna is, and haven’t a clue what she looks like, because I didn’t have that problem. All I saw was a spectacular looking trailer for what looks to be a cool and entertaining movie.

And it seems to be the case, no?

You might not win any trophies, but you’d win a lot of hearts.