
Getting underneath a car on jackstands scares the crap out of me. Part of it is the fear of one of them failing and getting crushed. Part of it is claustrophobia. Together they make crawling under there really nerve-wracking.

Take me to bed or lose me forever!

I’ll watch anything Top Gear that doesn’t involve Tanner Foust.

Regardless, as the tweet says. His name is Magneto. And he murders on the sand.

They better make the Reasonably-Priced Car very reasonably priced. Because they are going to go through a lot of them.

I think you are severely underestimating the egos and stubbornness of the automotive manufacturing world. Every manufacturer and every lead engineer on every design team thinks that they are God and that My Way Is Best. Getting them to agree is unbelievably difficult. Everyone has their own priorities and agenda.

Leading the charge in software, not hardware, and that’s what you’ll be paying the big bucks for.

I think you’re going to be sorely disappointed if those are your expectations. History is not on your side.

And replacing that big screen could also involve ripping apart large parts of your dashboard. These “tablets” will not be a commodity replacement part that you can just plug in any off the shelf tablet and run with it, unfortunately. It will still be an OEM part, manufacturer-specific. And that will make it very

Remember that episode of Cheers where Sam sold his Corvette and replaced it with a Volare? I didn’t know what a Volare was at the time, but the reactions he got made it pretty clear it was not a desirable automobile. I still know nothing about Volares except what I learned from one episode of a fictional television

There are many kinds of mullets.

Maybe. But it’s a hell of a lot more expensive than a little plastic knob, too.

Hell yeah! Right around the time Richard Dean Anderson sported one in the original MacGyver.

I had a mullet back when they were cool. I kept that mullet way too long after they were cool. I know mullets. That, sir, is no mullet.

Yup. The only thing left to wear out now is the screen. And when that goes... you lose everything, instead of just the one thing that button or switch controlled. And the screen will cost 100x more to replace when it breaks.

Didn’t say it would be better. I said it would be pirated more.


Doesn’t seem to have hurt Game of Thrones.

I wouldn’t worry about it. This show is going to blow Game of Thrones out of the water when it comes to being pirated.

Watched just to see what a laser shotgun would be like. Was a little disappointed, but pleased with the consolation prize laser gatling gun.