
Mine was an early model, supposedly they fixed a bunch of the problems in later years. I’d still take the MX-5 I traded it for any day of the week. Except for the power bump, there’s nothing the Sky did that the Miata doesn’t do better.

I had a Saturn Sky Redline, basically the same thing. Lots of fun to drive, but a total piece of shit to own.

Tron Legacy was also the first time anything like that had ever been done, so they get a pass. For a first attempt, it looked damn good.

That would be the polite thing to do.

That’s too bad. I think it would make for a much more interesting story than just “two people wake up on a spaceship, fall in love, and have some zany, dangerous adventures together”.

And hopefully we’ll all learn how to spell “rogue” by December, or there are going to be a lot of rouge-faced folks out there! (I keed, I keed)

It was my understanding that Pratt’s character is the one who intentionally wakes up Lawrence’s character. Is that not true? I think that would add an entirely new, interesting element into the story.

The protein is good for an econobiker like you!

On a lighter note, can anyone figure out why the incident rate of this kind of douchenozzleness is so high, specifically with owners of Ford Mustangs?

Well, seeing as how Fiat Chrysler owns both Dodge and Alfa, that’s probably not what “partnership” means to them. Also, the current Dart already shares a platform with the Giulietta, so...

Man leaves meat on kitchen counter.

Can we get Tom Hiddleston to play the human embodiment of the movie’s real villain, Kinja?

Still too soon. For some of us anyway.

I was talking about his remark comparing the interior to that of the Bolt and why they cost the same. Design, as it applies to the aesthetics, is irrelevant to cost.

Design is irrelevant to this discussion.

Economy of scale. GM can bury a lot of costs into the price of other products and/or already established factories, and also potentially share components between other models. Tesla doesn’t have quite that same luxury.

I’m an engineer as well. You need to remember that the “value” of something has absolutely nothing to do with what it costs to make or the overhead needed to make it. However, it has everything to do with what someone is willing to pay for it, and nothing else. That plastic piece on the dashboard of my 89 Toyota MR2

Yeah... what if?

Would you listen to Jin Blossoms?

I’ve heard way too many stories about “he said he’d send me the title when he got it/found it” to conduct business that way. Much too risky for a transaction of many thousands of dollars where the seller could simply take the money, hand you the car with a bill of sale and never turn over the title. I don’t know how