
It was a John Delorean joke.

I don’t understand why he doesn’t just build his cars in Ireland...

Maybe there are just more dickheads in your town than in mine. At the ones near me in Dayton, this kind of hoonery is rare to nonexistent.

Don’t let one rotten apple spoil the whole bunch for you. The vast majority of these meets, and the vast majority of people at them, are nice, normal, and respectful. These videos and reports of things like this happening are a tiny, tiny sample of what really goes on at a Cars & Coffee. YouTube videos where nothing

Clearly he failed to check his tire pressure before leaving the parking lot.

I has more to do with giving you traffic updates. If it knows where you live and where, it will learn when your commute times are. If there’s an accident on your usual route, it will let you know so you can plan around it.

Faraday... someday.

Wait until you see the real steering controls and system for the 3. It feels like a spaceship.

I wonder if they are also considering that, at one time in those stars’ past, when they were hotter, the goldilocks zone was farther away, making habitable planets more like Earth. If the civilization was advanced enough, perhaps they found a way to sustain life on that planet as the star cooled, or moved to the

Of course, Tesla may decide that since demand is high, that $35,000 car is suddenly worth $40,000... ADM becomes AMM (Adjusted Manufacturer Markup).

That’s the most intense game of hopscotch I’ve ever seen.

I don’t know what “blagging”, “uni”, or “Sixth-Form” mean, either... but somehow you’ve managed to allay any fears I had about “A-Levels”. Thanks!

One dealer suggested VW reinforce the idea of “price-competitive German engineering,” but that’s what they’ve been doing the past decade anyway.

I don’t even know what an A-Level is, but somehow the thought of not studying for it still makes me nervous...

Moffat announced that 2017 would be his last season... one more to go before he quits.

What they really need to do is get rid of that crease at the top of where a grille would be. It exacerbates the Keanu Reeves look... or highlights it, if that’s what they were going for. Maybe they deliberately styled it that way so that you definitely notice the lack of grille and know immediately that it’s electric.

Not only are they extremely similar, they are basically the same engine. Ford licensed the design from Mazda and called it Durotec.

Also hoping for a Mazdaspeed5 someday. Too bad they’re killing the platform in favor of the CX-3 going forward.

I like this butt. I cannot lie.

LOL. That sounds like a recipe for divorce in my house.