
Actually they did. There’s a disclaimer in the poll that says that NERC has the final say in naming the boat. They are well aware of how the internet works. The poll is nothing but a publicity stunt, which worked brilliantly.

Boaty McBoatface

when the automatic transmission overheated

Or he could just be an actor, hoping that he will continue to be employed and have work in the future. Make of it what you will.

Not to mention Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and George Clooney.

Meh. If he hits the wall he can just press Y to rewind... right?

It looks F-able. I’d definitely truck it.

It has been pointed out by others that the photo of the damaged car shows a Fiat Strada, a small pickup, while the photo of the car leaving the scene is a Fiat Uno.

Actually, by strict definition, it very well could be a UFO. If we ask ourselves if it is:

Oh God... Gurgi... the Jar-Jar Binks of the Disney Universe

That uniform makes Chris Pine look more like Han Solo than James Kirk.

This. Because they actually look like something a quasi-military space navy would wear, rather than what a show with a TV-sized budget could afford.

What’s more nerve-racking for a drummer: the prospect of falling onto a bunch of metal spears, or ruining a very expensive drum set?

Good news: FR-S is now a proper 86! :)

They get paid either way, so I didn’t figure them in.

Yacobucci described a difference in interpretation between the EPA and SEMA as being the heart of this matter.

Damn. I always wondered about a lot of stuff that article answered. Also, I grew up in Ohio, and I think I went to school with that guy’s friend’s cousin.

\m/ \m/

Just cross your fingers for no flying monkeys.

Nah, crack pipe all the way at that price. But I do love the car.