
I can drink that beer if I can get in the glove box, you say? Hot damn!

Cap said it for him in the first Avengers, so there’s that. “Puny god” was an acceptable substitute.

Wasn’t commenting on what they should or shouldn’t be allowed to do. Just what’s practical. I mean, she can’t move her legs, right? Can’t cross her legs or hold her knees together without help.... just sayin’.

Ten High!!!

That’s how we know that Batman is really Jay Leno.

Short enough to see up it if some dude kneels down to tie his shoes...

One of my friends has a similar badge with a prancing turtle on his Miata.

Sure, but SS isn’t a fleet trim.

“Rental spec” explains a lot. I’ve heard stories, and witnessed for myself one time, about Camaros from a rental car company (that shall remain nameless) with SS badges. But upon opening the hood to check out that sweet V8 goodness... it seemed to be missing exactly 2 cylinders.

Still creepy.

Well... Someone who kneels down to tie his shoes might sneak a peek at her naughty bits if she’s not careful...

Honest question... Is it a thing for women in wheelchairs to wear short skirts and high heels on a regular basis? I mean, I don’t blame someone for wanting to look nice, and I’m certainly not opposed to any chance to get a glimpse of Emily Bett Rickards’ knockout legs, but it seems like a rather impractical wardrobe

Imagine how easy it would be to swap a V8 onto a Miata in this system...

Tomato, tomahto. That’s where most of the awesome is, though, too.

Get a group of friends together and race a field full of modified Caddy limos around an oval track. FUN.

Between the SVX, Aztek, and Milano, there’s a whole lotta ugly in that pack! But also awesome.

Well, there’s a 10 word equivalent, apparently.

If what you’re telling me is true, then you already know the answer to your question: nothing, except maybe a badge and bragging rights. Some people will pay a premium for a badge, just like some people will pay a premium for an old comic book, even though it has no value to other people.