
Based on one particular scene in this movie, and one particular scene in nuTrek... I’m not sure JJ Abrams quite has a grasp on how vast space is and how far apart planets and solar systems actually are.

Can’t get over how big an ass you are for making this completely unnecessary and hurtful remark.

Butthurt much? I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that you own one...

First of all, it’s “Leia”. Second, they that conversation about Ren privately. Rey wasn’t around. Surely they would have mentioned “yeah, too bad we had to send that ‘other’ child we had into hiding because of him.” They didn’t. If afraid your argument doesn’t really hold water.

Me too. I remember my dad pulling me and my brother out of school the day RotJ came out so we could go see it.

Yes! Save them for your grandkids!

I know. But I think you’re missing my point.

What we still have remaining were passed on to the next generation of kids in the family, continuing the enjoyment well into the future. Even the Millenium Falcon with only two working landing gear, the X-Wing missing all the guns and canopy, and the land speeder with the middle engine broken off are still played with

I had almost every single one of them. Some may still be floating around somewhere. None of them are in mint condition. Most are or were broken.


5th Gear: Has anyone else noticed how much attention the first-gen MR2 has been getting lately in the press?

Why? It was the driver’s fault, therefore, the liability falls to the driver’s insurance. In this case, since the driver has no insurance, then the dude’s health insurance would cover it. I’m assuming this guy either doesn’t have health insurance (now also illegal also under Obamacare laws), or he has poor insurance

He could, but if she doesn’t have any money (likely since she didn’t have insurance), he still won’t see a dime from her. She can’t give him what she doesn’t have.

If the driver doesn’t have any money, you can sue him all you want and still never see a penny.

The fact that they even went to Kronos at all is problematic. The moment Kahn transported a distance of hundreds of light years to get there, I was completely taken out of the movie. Why even have starships if that’s possible? I’m normally pretty oblivious to plot holes like that until someone brings it up to me

Let me answer your question with another question: In what ways did TWOK acknowledge TMP? In every respect, TMP is a standalone movie that has no connection whatsoever with any of the other movies, other than using the same crew and Enterprise sets and models. There is no reference at all to V-ger, Ilia, Decker, the

Yup. Not to mention Star Trek VI, Highlander 3... you could even say Wrath of Khan ignored Star Trek TMP.

Perfectly ok with me. I, for one, would also like to pretend that the last movie never happened.

It’s happening...

Not absurd. Also available in the US, going all the way back to ANH. Now, if it didn’t include a stick of barely edible chewing gum... that would be absurd.