
I wonder if the WW movie will have a nod to the old TV show and have Chris Pine play both Steve Trevor from WWII and Steve Trevor’s “son”, also named Steve Trevor, in the modern day.

Thank you for reminding me of this! I used to listen to this all the time when I was a wee lad.

She’s got my vote.

Since when has “Irish” been a race?

Don’t think it was directly mentioned, but based on the size of the box and the plan they set in motion, I’d say it was the wedding dress.

I can see my house from heeeeeeeeere!!!!

I see it! (Sometimes Kinja doesn’t display it right away. Reloading the page usually helps)

This is Jalopnik, not Fishlopnik.

In the vast majority of cases, if one kidney fails, they both fail. So holding onto one as a “spare” is a pretty poor reason for not being a donor. When you donate one, the other grows to twice its size, taking over the total function of both. Plus, if you’re a donor and do end up needing one for some reason, you move

Found it. Now, what about love?

Don’t know about where you live, but around me, 25 in a school zone is still speeding. So not only would those people be going too slow for normal hours, they are going too fast for restricted hours. Double fail!

Driving too slowly? Bet humans don’t get pulled over for that too often.

Blaster. It’s a weird angle, but you can see the grip on the right and barrel on the left.

Shh! Don’t let Ralph Nader hear you say that!

Relocate your battery from your engine bay to your trunk.

Star Wars needs more executive transvestites.

Perception, not reality, is what drives sales.

My theory: Kylo Ren does not have a British accent. Rey does. Therefore Rey is actually the villain in this movie.

The extended versions only enhanced the amount of sleep trying to watch them. The Hobbit movies were even worse. I still haven’t made it through the first one without napping.

Oh, I dunno. I can think of a few epicly long movies recently that could stand to have been cut back a fair amount. Looking at you, Peter Jackson.