
That doesn’t matter to Daniels, who apparently is an asshole.

And for some reason, the VW board of directors is not beating down those people’s doors to hire them. I’m not saying there aren’t other, qualified people out there that can do the job and would do it for less. But he’s the guy that the Board wanted, and that’s what it took to get him. The point is... don’t blame the

In this context “full responsibility” does not mean “taking blame”. It means those things listed in his job description.

Tell that to the people that negotiated his contract. And then go find someone that will take full responsibility for running a multi-billion dollar global corporation without a clause like that in their contract. Let me know how that goes.

I’m sort of surprised it took so long to get attention.

Oh, yeah. That’s definitely it. Currently for sale at Country Classic Cars in Staunton, IL. Conveniently located along Old Route 66.

Maybe this is the one you’re thinking of?

I saw this recently. Keep meaning to submit it for NPOCP...

Plaid pants are cool.

unpimp ze diesel?

I can’t tell which of them is Blue Steel and which is Magnum.

This may come as a shock to you, but some people don’t read reddit.

Home of the same people that won’t buy ham unless it’s labeled “gluten-free”?

Nah. Still takes a hell of a lot more than that. Drive with the windows down if you’re that concerned.

Like most things (even water), it’s only hazardous in huge quantities. Sniffing the dashboard in your brand new car a few times isn’t going to give you cancer.

A cock can also be a stupid, irritating person.

I’m guessing Hansel and Gretel were the first?

my comment was in reference to the tomatoes being questioned by JoeBuckYourself, not potatoes.

For dietary purposes, yes, it’s a vegetable. Biologically speaking, it’s a fruit.