
If I was the programmer, the next message would be “Hammertime”.


Son of a... I really wanted one in yellow with that stripe. Damn that looks good.

Good idea. Know where I can find one for under 2k?

Right there with you, buddy. Trouble is, I don’t want to drive a car I like in the winter, because I’d feel guilty. But I also don’t want to spend any appreciable money or time fixing a car that I don’t like. Catch 22, man. It’s amazing the kind of money that people want for their garbage.

Neutral: Stick a V8 in it.

I guess the debate rages on... :)

Not exactly

“Show me again how you do this. I still can’t find the zipper.”

The Era of the Big Recall continues with a big one from Fiat Chrysler over wiring harnesses on 1.05 late model Ram trucks.

Women drivers, amirght?

Sign me up!

Oh man are you wrong. I’m 41 and just now learning real knowledge of auto repair and maintenance. In the past year I’ve changed leaky gaskets, installed new shocks and springs, repaired brake calipers, replaced a faulty cooling fan, fixed a leaking a/c system, among other things. All it takes is a little motivation.

The real problem here is some prankster causing unnecessary traffic backups. Place one of these things on the side of the road where it’s hard to see. The first autonomous car stops for seemingly no reason, all the other cars behind it stop. No one can figure out why. The “drivers” won’t get out of the car or do

Needs Conferderate flag on the roof and doors welded shut. YEEEEEE-HAAAAWW!!!

Two thumbs up for using a Countach!


one of the octopus-branded rings of the SPECTRE organisation

So, what I’m reading here is that Land Rovers are the Alfa Romeo of SUVs.

The “one” character without hair?