
I see your point, but for the sake of argument, top talent at broadcast networks still exist within a larger network of talent/content for the sake of market share, right? I don't want to wade into the politics because I clearly have none of the facts (nor should I, it's none of my business), but I liked/like what

Donaldson really stepped in it, didn't he?

Clear case of prematurely tweeting.

I bet Tate gives his brothers so much shit about their part in Dad's Pats obsession.

Those aren't pillows!

This graphic has no functional title, but I assume its Kobe's shot chart from last night.

Flywheel is probably worth a mention. All cabs, they just tack on a buck or two as fee.

Voltron did it better.

Russia this, Putin that, but I'm pretty sure Christian von Koenigsegg is up to something...

Call your doctor today to see if Presto Flo is right for you.

Marlins Man is not impressed.

It makes it even worse when you know that was a fertilizer spike.

Are we sure he's not just at a Vandals concert?

Don't fool yourself. You can't afford this. The coke habit you'd have to sustain would cost you hundreds of thousands in the long run, not to mention your family.

I've seen busses with better media training.

Yeah, and this will definitely lead to at least a few sexual harassment suits.

Rumor has it Wes Welker is about to be traded to the Jets, also.

Amazing. Beasley just arrived, and they've already got him on a postage stamp.

Hey, leave me out of this, I'm just drawn that way.

...and for the first time in his career, Marvin was the biggest receiver in the line-up.