
Among all the layers of douchiness here, the douchiest of them all was Lochte claiming that the other swimmers laid on the ground while he alone stood up to the gunman and said "Whatever" with a cocked gun against his forehead.

Ditto Eugene. Redemption scenes. Transfer of bullet-making instructions. Sudden bravery. We can let him go now that he doesn't seem like a sniveling coward.

3X5 index

If you want the walk to the curb to take 2+ hours.

The runtime has to account for the subplot where Thomas Wayne comes back as in A.I. he and Lucius Fox created to personally guide Bruce/Batman through the last twenty-five minutes of the third act.

I agree it wasn't an oversight, but it was my best example of the one little thing in a movie that I can't get past.

My example of that is Django shooting a woman who flies sideways at a 90 degree angle from where the bullet was fired. That and QT's Aussie accent utterly ruined that otherwise fine movie for me.

No doubt! This Batman looks less wooden in a fight scene than in his talking scenes!

The key to Superman is the ABSENCE of his biological father and the PRESENCE of his stepfather. So Man of Steel kills off the stepfather and brings back the biological father.

Speaking of Rocket Science, at exactly what angle did Darryl explode the biker gang with his Launcher? They never saw him.

But the parallel parking is a bitch!

Center of the story, sort of like center of a donut.

That's the second thing you mentioned that I'm interested in. The first being the rape-punch from earlier.

Neither is the MPAA.

Jurassic Universe: Mars

Maybe you just prefer a greasy burger to a juicy steak. Some do.

Lupin of the Baskervilles.

Trust your instincts. Even RDJ can't save Guy Ritchie from himself.

Pulp Fiction has a black lead and is by far my favorite. Django would be very high if not for the cartoonish epilogue.

Then Four Rooms must also be considered, which is the only thing saving Grindhouse from last place by a country mile.