
In Russia, helicoptors don’t need rotor brakes. In Russia, we use building.

so it’s not supposed to do that?

Yeah maybe I’m a big dumb idiot but this video deals with defogging. Defrosting, which I deal with daily for several months up here in the north, definitely doesn’t work this way.

My experience, the best way to defrost your windshield is to start driving right away while you can’t see anything. Roll your window down

Just a note: nuclear power plants are steam as well.

I’m not a lawyer but as I recall from whatever’s left rattling around in my brain from all the business law courses and stuff I took like 10+ years ago, I think they could be on the hook for it. witha private company it’s typical agency law. If someone is working to represent the company, their actions are binding to

Exactly. The letter is crystal clear.

Even Texas law says statements issued by officials are binding as many an indicted official has found out.

“Rules must be different for the great state of Texas........”

There is an argument that it is not a contract because both parties did not sign. But what it sounds like is a guaranteed offer by the Comptroller to induce an outcome. Someone may still rule it is not a contract, but there is a strong argument for detrimental reliance.

Gotta make room in the schedule for the GP of Yemen somehow.

You’ve got a great point, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the intention of the letter is to absolutely support running the event in Austin at COTA. But is it binding? That’s a different question, as the letter is poorly written from a legal standpoint (and when we are talking about $25 million a year, there’s

Something worth noting is that if we are to take the letter as a legal document, it doesn’t require the race to be run at COTA. Heck, aside from the first race, it’s not clear that the USGP would have to be held at Texas at all. I appreciate that the letter was written to help “seal the deal” to get the race in

Like sabotage. Can’t understand why COA is not yelling and threating to cancel all obligations with that perfect excuse. One at the beggining of the year, the other at the end, and we’re all happy.

Yes. With a HEAT warhead. You do understand the difference between an anti-ship and an anti-tank missile, don’t you?

Barry Alvarez isn’t the interim coach?

One of my favorite pictures of the F-117

I was sued in federal court by one of my previous companies for theft of trade secrets. It was BS, of course, but being sued for more money than you could ever hope to make certainly puts a damper on your new job. In my case, the first I heard about it was when they showed me nearly a hundred pages of files I had

So you’re reposting Mercedes’ press release. If anyone should know, and most definitely a reporter would know, that the accusations contained within press releases are inaccurate until proven true by some independent source. Shame on you for posting gossip.

Take the F-35B the Marines use and remove the lift fan. Keep the shaft from the engine, but use it to spin a generator. Use that generator for a laser, ECM, particle beam or microwave weapon.