
I think what is happening is that the individual slats in the handrail are excited by the airflow around them and resonating the bars at their natural frequency. The slat’s length is consistent with tubular bell of that frequency and I bet if you hit one with a hammer, that is the frequency it would ring at.

Nevermind, I see the sunroof in this picture.

That’s curious, how do you know it was two?  My buddy’s car was an ex firehawk car and was built without a sunroof. It would be interesting to see if this one had a sunroof. None is apparent but there isn’t a definitive shot. BTW

This looks just like my buddy’s ex 944 Cup car. All white with the sunroof delete. I wonder how common that combination was? 

We saw Hank’s movie “That thing you do” and the song absolutely made the movie. It was the movie.

This popped up in the article...

PS - the 2020 Touring Hatch can be ordered with a Stick Shift in US!

Nope, notice that the nose has a perfect outline of a 1 3/4 trailer ball hitch punched into it. You can’t replace the nose, it is welded to the front fenders. Fill it with bondo? You can buy better for the same.

Turn 2 is a nasty pinch point. So how about a single line starts at for Pocono so to prevent the three wide first lap pack situation that seems so common there?

My friend has a saying about not arguing with some people. He says “don’t play chess with a pigeon”... If you do he says before you are done;

Wait a second... If the passenger bag fires in the up direction and not at the passenger. And it isn’t rupturing why should GM replace them?

The reason to own a minivan has nothing to do with children.Its the ultimate race support vehicle.....

I can’t recall where I found the original explanation. I think the story was they developed the tunnel hull to protect the oil service boats from shallow waters. Once implemented they discovered that the new configuration also had the benefit of being a lot faster/more efficient.

All good points. I think we are in agreement. 

I think it is a much different management cadre today than say 75 years ago. Leadership rewarded content experts and the focus was on actually delivering results. Granted, organizations were not as complex as the motto was KISS (Keep is simple stupid).

The aspect I found most interesting is how they accomplished the fire tube boiler design without having tubes boil dry in spots when trying to run at maximum power. If water does not get to all the tubes because of steam trying to get out as water moves in the tube quickly burns through and the party is over.

Looks like somebody racing a mustang with motorcycle tires on each corner. ouch

You know expectations are a funny thing. In 1984 a VW GTI was 2050 pounds and was 9 seconds 0 to 60 and was rated as fun to drive, and only a second or so from Corvette times. So 2385 pounds and 106 HP are embarrassing in 2019? I guess expectations are a funny thing......

They ought to have a rule that if you win a race, you get to take off the rookie tag off the back of the car.....