
Yep, totally agree on that point that whatever she signed, she probably doesn’t have the level of authority to commit the state to spending $250m. Soooo, unless she was totally obtuse, what could the story be?

But I have to point out that in paragraph 1 she cites “race promotion contract for the grand prix of texas”.

How the heck can “we will be sending.....” mean anything other than a commitment to pay?

If such a rig trips your trigger, buy it and drive like you stole it. Sure some stuff might break, but it’s like a race car, if you can’t stomach losing your investment, don’t jump in.......

All wrap, based based on hand held pictures of a slot car

Whaaat, 24 LeMons of Afrika?

A laser system would require significant space and power in a fighter aircraft. How about take an Air Force F 35 and add a shaft driven generator and a laser in that big space where the ducted fan sits in the marine version, hmmmmm.

How about a lemons alpine?

Wheels are deadly. I was center-punched in my ‘93 Si at night by a 3/4 ton pickup wheel. One second nothing, second later total blackness due to my airbag going off due to both lights being obliterated. He had just had that wheel off due to a flat needing repair. Double check your lugs, especially when someone else

Put a harley engine in it and go Lemons racing....

Those screws are just for factory assembly. Get a drill!

Can we re-boot this discussion to Gawker so that this man can get the respect he deserves. He saw this carbon spewing spawn of VW and did a little social action against the 1%. Wait, how did this dude end up at a Missouri protest?

This is the time of year to tour the New Jersey tied up in Philadelphia Harbor. Some time ago, I had the chance and the 5 of us essentially were the only people on the ship. I recall the armoured tower you describe. We got to meet the captain, and got the whole show.


Aha- that works for me. Never been in a class that has restrictors. That would be one wheezy K motor then.......

Just curious how they can detune an open exhaust Type R K2.0 to 160 hp? Even my wife’s ‘02 Si has 160 hp with cats and full exhaust......

I still have a ‘07 Si, liked it. Heads up speed, without the gizmo....