I used to back in the 90s (played ALOT of Doom and Quake) but I stopped in the 00s because my eyes are total garbage, especially when i primarily switched to consoles.
Yeah! I’m not even remotely saying its bad that its in FP mode, it actually does work great in FP, you feel immersed and stuff. I personally don’t like it but it by no means mean CP2077 is going to be bad.
Yeah...like I don’t know and i really don’t want to dismiss the game but its just.
This is all so fucking tragic...
Yeah! There’s a good chance that its one REALLY MCFREAKING HUGE city with layers? That could make interesting!
I mean I get it, I definitely see why they did it tho! And maybe it will be very good. I just. Idk man...
Yeah! I was engaged with the dialogue and the crowd moving parts, I really dug how immersive it felt. I’m kinda curious how many cities you’ll get to explore.
No I did, I saw the shooting section after the little cyber machine spider.
Like I was already turned off when they said its First Person and now looking at it. I mean I want to be wrong, this is not me saying its a shitty game but, I’m not feeling it.
So....this reminds me alot of a FPS. I’m not sure on how to feel? It looks nice and exciting. Like a Deus Ex.
Goddamnit, fuck Cancer.
I’m so sorry...try to unplug for a while.
Oh my God.
Huh, well alright...
I knew the second he mentioned Jason’s name the amount of slaughter that would take place would be like fucking The Eclipse from Berserk.
Holy.....my God?