Rachel Fogg

Thank you for the update Totilo. We’re rooting for you Mike.

As a sole PS4 player, I’m only seeing cross play for Minecraft and Fortnite...maybe Rocket League but I’m absolutely STRUGGLING to understand the need to have Sony install this on the PS4.


im not salty....sorta....kinda.

Meh, I’m half half, I LOVE Ivy, much like Sofia from Battle Arena Toshinden, my love of sexy dom gals is a fire that never goes out.

Okay that’s precious af and I’m jealous of your love.

Fucking Kotaku you keep breaking the arrangements about not making me cry but its a good cry so i forgive you.

Well now I don’t care anymore so....everyone else enjoy.

Weren’t they like 19 and 21 years old respectively? That would make them teens/late teen so they would still have that baby fat.

People freaking out over Last of Us 2 amuses me...like did you play the fucking DLC?

Y’know even though this wasn’t like OMG WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! Like the Xbox conference, I dug it.

I want to lay in this gay emotion forever.

So.....like no FFVII:R? Either SE completely shit the bed or Sony locked it down.

Not my beloved Bloodborne 2 but fuck it, it’s From Software I’m ready to be terrified


ROFL, so much for 2018....hell I doubt it coming on THAT date too. Even worse, what the sea salt fuck happened to worldwide release? You mean Japan gets it a full 4 DAYS BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE?

To all you ladies and fine peoples cosplaying this.

I’mma be real af...it just looks so dull and ug and I want to like it! I’m a slut for Vampires but damn.

So I have to wait till Monday for SE and Sony. Sexcellent, now I don’t have to give a shit for the entire weekend.

Yes I came here for Matt Mercer’s perfect face, I did.