
By design, the point of the race racket is that it’s a neverending claim on your guilt, so the only acceptable answer is apology and groveling.

I have not read what Tony Stewart said nor do I know what type of person he is (mainly because I don’t follow motor sports or any sports for that matter) but this made me think: I wonder if there is a way to critique CK that folks don’t find is racist.

“Why I’ve built electric trucks in New Haverbrook, Ogdenville and Brockway!”

What makes you think that a combination of climate change, genetic engineered foods and chemtrails hasn’t caused the evolution of a new race of superbirds who can fly at 30,0000 feet? #science #chemtrailsarereal #iwanttobelievescully #thanxobama

She’s not his daughter in any way. They aren’t related by blood. He never adopted her.

Not his daughter.

I hate their song and I despise Robin Thicke (don’t expect me to hate Pharrell though, I’ll never be ready), but I hope they win this case. The original verdict is terrible for music and fails to understand how art works.

Snark all you want about Thicke, this is an important case for musicians everywhere.

They can’t see anything past her vagina.

That is a pretty one-sided view of drones.

Weak. Why are they droning them? Because they think they are terrorists.


Obama says lots of stuff that makes people feel good. I prefer to judge him on his actions.

Has Trump assassinated an American citizen? Obama has.

You must first prove Trump is a terrorist.

None of those count as terrorism. Why did you ignore the point about Obama’s drone strikes?

No need to straw man. Educate yourself on the issue.

She did though.