
It’s because Gawker Media is very left-winged biased and Britain voting to leave the EU is a very right-winged thing to do. I’m not saying either thing was the right or wrong thing to do, but I’m not surprised that Gawker Media is against the Brexit given their political leanings.

I know you guys are desperately trying to paint anyone who dares critize the all mighty Melissa McArthy the Queen of comedy as a woman hating Mra but this movie looks like shit.

I’m still wondering why Alcoa isn’t doing as well as I expected:

Would your mom bail you out? I know mine would.

I’m saying if she bailed her daughter out she’d be alive. That is all. Doesn’t take the responsibility from the cops but come on. $500?

Seeing as she couldn’t or wouldn’t pay $500 to bail her daughter out I kinda don’t understand this woman.

Don’t be fucking coy. When you say “Becky” you mean “white bitch”.

Slur? A name?

Oh, please. It’s clearly an insult. Are you seriously claiming that it’s not meant as an insult?

Don’t be fucking coy. When you say “Becky” you mean “white bitch”. You know it, we know it. I don’t care, but don’t think people are too fucking stupid to know what you mean. You clearly aren’t using it as an affectionate nickname. It means white cunt.

Anita Sarkeesian

NATO? Sure. And? See a Russian vessel off the coast of US?

Now, this is something that deserves all the attention and support from he media. Unlike other stuff….

What’s a “peaceful” US warship doing 70 miles off the the coast of Russia? Last I checked, US border wasn’t anywhere near the Baltic Sea.

My pal?

“I know you are but what am I???? Tehehehehehe. Look everyone at how carefree and funny I’m being! I act like a small petulant child, but am presumably older which makes it soooo cute. Tehehe.”

I “seem to know about bitter losers”?

Ok. Are you done?

No you’re just not a very intelligent person. Hence all the stupid shit you constantly write.

I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I’m just telling you something that should, and would be obvious to most moderately intelligent people.