You know what, it seems a lot of gaming companies listen to us these days. Nintendo with Zelda MM and some Smash Bros stuff, Square with the FF15 demo, Valve with Half Life 3. Ok not all of them but it’s getting better.
You know what, it seems a lot of gaming companies listen to us these days. Nintendo with Zelda MM and some Smash Bros stuff, Square with the FF15 demo, Valve with Half Life 3. Ok not all of them but it’s getting better.
This video has better production value than most Uwe Boll creations, and the actor’s really emoting. I’m impressed.
Mario Kart 8 has the best DLC I’ve ever played. God that game is amazing.
Looking back over my last 60 hours with The Witcher 3, I feel a bit like its wandering protagonist: A very…
In recent times, people have taken to calling Valve “evil.” Not negligent, not out of touch with their fans, but…
It’s Reggie Fils-aMac for sure.
These five, but not Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon? Sad day.
Well, Mario 64’s later levels can get rather annoying, and it’s camera can get annoying too, but it did age very well compared to many other N64 games.
To this day Banjo-Kazooie remains my favorite video game of all time. I play through it every summer and it never disappoints. It’s just such a solid platformer and I love to collect thangs.
>Lemon grab a divisive character.
Adventure Time is the source of much of my happiness. Considering the rabid fans out there, you’d think I wouldn’t…
VR is not really a family or group thing though.
For a PC Gamer it is the best second platform, I agree.
Super Mario 3D World was a main title and it was excellent!
I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.
I’m 40 hours in and there are monsters EVERYWHERE: hidden in the ground, roaming in packs, patrolling in the sky, etc. You can’t go anywhere without seeing some enemies and they’re usually high level ones which you have to carefully avoid. The enemy alien race has bases all over the world too. There are lots of hidden…
I agree, I love when companies release half baked products that make people throw up. Stupid of them to perfect the technology as much as possible. Gorram idiots.
If you’ve got the computer grunt to do it, try it out in the Dolphin Emulator. The game looks really meh at the native wii 480i resolution and worse on the 3DS 240p. But at 1080p or even 720p the game absolutely shines. I’m only like 10 hours in, but I can tell I’m gonna be at this for the long haul.
They’re fighting a massive uphill battle. I hope they can really give Steam a run for their money, but the task ahead of them is one that would make me quail in fear.