Wishlist/Guess-list time: Zelda Twilight Princess HD, Wii VC games, Fire Emblem News, Xenoblade Trailer, Star Fox news, highlight a new mode in Animal Crossing game, Yokai Watch plug, SMT x FE news. Any other guesses?
Wishlist/Guess-list time: Zelda Twilight Princess HD, Wii VC games, Fire Emblem News, Xenoblade Trailer, Star Fox news, highlight a new mode in Animal Crossing game, Yokai Watch plug, SMT x FE news. Any other guesses?
I personally prefer TR 2013, to any of the Uncharted games. Uncharted may have better setpieces, but I felt much more emotionally connected to Lara and her journey. The gameplay was more varied, less linear, more intersting, more precise and had more things to do. You could play the normal linear adventure, or you…
I actually just got rejected today. Not a fun experience. And i’m kinda wondering what I’m going to do with that relationship going forwards. She enjoys the time that we’ve spent hanging out, and I’m going to continue to see a lot of her in my social circles. Heck, the reason I asked her out was because I liked her…
Looks like a MOBA. Good, another new game I don’t have to worry about.
With the life cycles of the previous console generation, the PS5 is going to be a long long way out. Id say at least 5 more years if not 7. If nx is a console handheld hybrid, and it rivals the current generation, it could have tremendous staying power.
I loved that Rock Stage. I was just talking about how Alan Wake was one of my favorite horror games because it’d not like your normal horror game (which I usually don’t like). The entire level as absolutely fantastic. Thanks for appreciating a non-widely loved game.
The day that Mario Kart drops local vs. races is the day I stop buying Nintendo games. Except Zelda, because I’ll always buy new Zelda.
It’s cute because anyone who actually bothered to keep their copy already owns all the Batman Games. It’s is a nice gesture, except it’s purposefully an empty one which robs even more good will from their community.
This makes me interested in trying to get a group together to play this. I think it could definetly be a lot of fun since we wouldn’t have to grind for quests and stuff
Actually I hear rumors of both free and paid DLC. If that’s the case, it might continue well into next year with new dungeons and what not.
And yet, I’m still looking forwards to this. The demo was fun, and I liked the gameplay. I knew going in it wasn’t going to be an “Epic Zelda Adventure”, but who actually did? The only reason it’s not labelled a four swords game is because four player didn’t work the design and they had to come up with a different…
The gunplay is a lot of fun, and it definitely doesn’t feel like Battlefield. The graphics and sound are REALLY cool as well. Ultimately though, I don’t know if there are enough maps. Drop Zones was cool, but Hoth was just too big and chaotic to be any fun. Way too easy to get shot from across the map by some…
I didn’t back this project, but it did look like it could have been well done. There’s no way he gets a publisher deal, but maybe by working other part time jobs he can finish it up on his own time over the course of the next couple years. I’ve backed three projects, one which wasn’t even successfully backed, and the…
I know that VA, who is that?
I have a feeling that if the NX gets a Tablet controller, we will get a Mario Maker 2 that has a massively expanded toolset and online curation system. It’s possible that they could add a major curation overhaul for the current interface, but pretty doubtful.
The video that you saw was the opening cinematic. Most of the game is actually just a “Choose your own adventure novel” (just text) with Anime style art and occasional music. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is a great, well-known example of VN’s. They also tend to be much longer than most anime since they require fewer…
In all honesty I have been looking for a copy of Four Swords Adventure for ages. Could I like....PLEASE HAVE THAT? Even if you say no, that is a major haul to run into. I still have almost all my Gamecube games and have been slowly filling in the ones that I don’t have. Picked up Thousand Year Door last year (borrowed…
Was giving me a little bit of a madoka magicka vibe. I like it.
How can she have feet? That’s not canon. Everyone knows that everyone in Fire Emblem Awakening was born without feet.
I thought Kotaku was against preorders?