
He missed the point. We weren’t angry that Natasha didn’t end up with Banner. We were angry that her backstory was used as character developement for someone besides herself, and that Banner and Natasha had no chemistry. Heck, even Cap and Nat had more chemistry than those two, and they’re supposed to be like bro and

Zoom, not Garrick

Holy Crap, that was unexpected. I always like Iwata, he done good. He shall be sorely missed.

I’ve heard in various places around the internet that it’s a kind of broken game with framerate issues. Pre reviews of the game in Japan and Europe aren’t good.

not from them unfortunately

I liked TressFX a lot in Tomb Raider. It was by no means perfect, but it looked so much better than your standard single, immovable hairstyle. For all the kudos that Naughty Dog gets for the graphics in their uncharted games, the hair was not their strong point.

They also did it in the Clone Wars cartoon with Obi-Wan, Anakin and some bounty hunters. It was pretty good, but not great.

You were able to play the game at 1080p on a Radeon R9 270X? HA!!! I had to play in 720p at lowest settings and still got frequent framerate drops to below 5FPS. Still a good game though, just a shoddy inconsistent port

Apparently, there were some messed up files in the pre-load which were causing some problems. I validated my game cache (which admittedly made me re-download the whole game) and it runs just a little bit more stable. I think that fixed my memory leak issues, though not the framerate issues. My GPU only has 2GB of

They outsourced Arkham Knight to another developer, not even a very good one. So thats what’s going on with that. Rocksteady delivered pretty solid PC builds in the past, except for the Direct X11 snafu that was Arkham City. I’m playing it on low settings now and it’s a h00t!

all of the above, it is almost as broken as AC: Unity was when it first came out. I personally haven’t encountered any crashes but broken drivers, un-optimized framerate, crappy textures, crazy high system requirements, capped framelock, there are just so many things wrong with the game. Which makes me sad, because I

Out should be noted that amd released beta drivers for the game at launch today massively improve performance. It’s still not up to snuff, but it is better

If you saw the trailer for KH3, there was a little bit of Flowmotion in there. I don’t know if you’ll have the same amount of movement, but it’s definetly there.

What could be interesting is if Bullseye who also shows up. The man who kills criminals and the man who kills for money and Daredevil has to stop them both. Regardless, adding a character like Punisher to the MCU is always awesome. Let’s hope he get’s a solo mini-series after the fact.

I have a feeling that SQEnix is using Duscae like an “Insider Preview”, a way to garner feedback from gamers while it’s in developement to see what works and what doesn’t. It seems as though they addressed a lot of complaints about the previous version as well as added a bunch of features.

Did you like the original Xenoblade that much? I notice you didn’t make any comparisons.

The Prestige, don’t look up the plot, just watch. One of my favorite movies of all time. So good.

If you click on an article like this what were you expecting? I think it’s hilarious. Hopefully we can’t get any more meta than this. It’s bad enough that we “get hyped” for E3, not that i’m not hyped.

Fate stay night is originally a visual novel with the routes, each one starts the same but go to radically different middles and ends. There are 4 anime on the market currently and one more movie is in the world upon the completion of the current anime.

So as someone who’s never played a Castlevania game but love Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Shantae along with other games in the genre. What is the best entry for Castlevania games? I love playing retro games, but NES is usually too oldschool and non-functional for me. I have a Wii U, a PS3 and a 3ds. i know I