ptak appreciates old racecars

Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from okay. Because, you see, this was an act pretty clearly designed to provoke a war. And war means absolutely horrific things. It means the deaths of hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of American and Iranian soldiers. It means the deaths of hundreds of thousands (possibly

What is its purpose? Aside from being the dream of a very rich man who can build his dream, this thing can lift a space station greater in habitable volume than the ISS in one launch. (It’s taken over 40 missions to build the ISS) It could lift five or six James Webb Telescopes into orbit without having to fold up the

Wife: They’re having a 2-for-1 happy hour special at... 


I’m fat, and I’m not offended. Sorry. Most people are fat because they eat too much and don’t get enough exercise, myself included.


It was intentional.

I agree with everything you said with the exception of “I’d say he’s by far the most personally virtuous man who has occupied the Oval Office in my life, and would probably rank in the top three to five ever. Offhand, Jimmy Carter is the only President I can think of who might give him a serious run for his money

I guess yesterday was the real debate and the only argument left to settle is whether Warren is Sanders’ VP, or Sanders is Warren’s VP. 

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

I’ll take “guy who knows things” shtick over your “performative outrage” shtick any day of the week, thanks.  

I just like saying assless.

“But my favorite part of this car is the $20 light switch being shared from my F150 in this 1.2 mil supercar :)“

So they’re all using these kids as political props, but Pete gets shit for it because he didn’t do it from 3 feet off the ground.

Davey was my best and only friend from k-6th grade and really gave credence to the final words in the movie Stand By Me, “I never had any friends later on like I had when I was 12.” Rather, I am 43 now and I still have never found a friend quite like him later in life. Sadly I will never get to tell him face to face

Alternative name: Tel Afib

First day of freshman year, I showed up for my mandatory meeting with my guidance counselor. I had tried out for the cheer team over the summer, made it, and was wearing my uniform. It was a thing. All the cheerleaders wore them on the first day of school. So Mr. Counselor asked me what my goals were. I said I wanted

Last time i checked you never saved the free world any amount of times, that is unless you think America did something alone, which would go towards the idea of Ameria being a bully.

Christ, I hate to have to say “both sides,” but I really, really appreciate you taking the time to point out that both sides of our current political spectrum deserve to be treated like human beings.

...even if certain elements of the Conservative movement would prefer to see some folks executed or locked away in dark