
Web app schmeb app. Unless it's updated constantly like a web site or blog, it's going to be old news. The death of the periodical is near — replaced by the news feed. [fredfacker.blogspot.com]

Seriously amazing! I took my first flying lesson this weekend. I thought I was doing great, but everyone else in the plane had a different opinion. [fredfacker.blogspot.com]

I had the Discovery. It picked up dust and dog hair great, but left all debris like leaves, soil or bits of styrofoam, etc. I got my parents a no frills 400 a couple years later, and it worked great. Picked up all the little bits of stuff that mine would never touch. They all seem to have trouble with the cliff

My guess is that it says something to the effect of: DO NOT REMOVE THIS STONE. PYRAMID WILL COLLPASE!

That makes the 4,800-some-odd hits on the implied nude portrait of my ex-girlfriend seem really, really lame.

Hmmm, I might be able to actually read the map when the iPhone is mounted on my dash ... but nahhhh.

And by 1:33 I was done.

Wish it was easy as it sounds. I think I've had 5 downloads of my $2.99 book since November. I guess business communications isn't a very popular topic. Maybe I'll try again with a vampire sex novel.

Awesome illustrations, but a bit ironic that the computer mouse is almost an outdated piece of hardware as I'm guessing most of the communications that enabled these revolutions were done with smartphones.

So I could make grey Wal-Mart smoke?

@lewis82: No, an adapter that will let me plug the USB 3.0 HDDs I've already bought into Thunderbolt ports.

I just put USB 3.0 in my tower and bought a 1TB USB 3.0 drive. I wonder if there will be a Thunderbolt to 3.0 adapter? Otherwise, I'll be waiting another year or two to bother with it.

I tried playing swing the bottle back in middle school. Knocked the poor girl out cold.

@brijazz: You should not be worried about someone having a gun in the airport in Texas. The other Texans would have it covered should anyone do something stupid.

Everyone has a gun here. Nobody would be stupid enough to pull their piece out in an airport.

@Bramsey89: That's the most powerful photo of all the entries though. It captured mortality and the frailty of life as well as those around us who stop and try to make a difference towards the betterment of the human condition. That's what photojournalism is all about.

@Invencible: If it's similar to the wind generators they put on sailboats, it's very light.