
Except Yahoo moved all their users photo archives to Flickr after the merger. All those seedy profiles and yahoo photo-trading swinger groups now exist behind the curtain of the "friends & family" portion of Flickr.

Payphone had the advantage of being shot with a 3D lens, so it was properly spaced and exposed at the same time. It's hard to take two shots with the right spacing and matching exposures for a good effect.

So what we will trade for the return of our Francis Gary Powers robot pilot?

Birth of Prey?

Why is the bellhop black? Black people can't be CEOs in the future?!!!

The fact that they used such a small sensor with a 2.7x crop factor means they just threw something at the niche in hopes of picking up some of the market on name recognition. They should have used at least an APS-C sensor. This camera can't compete with anything except that horrible little Pentax. Shame on Nikon for

ZOMG! Finally a computer with the style to match my Razr phone!

Very excited to try out my new f1.1 on this. I feel Spinal Tap when their amps go to 11, except with a lens instead of an amp. [www.flickr.com]

Well that shirt in the mugshot is definitely a crime against fashion.

I tried an electronic fence for my fence-jumping labradaor where the collar gives a tone if he's too close to the fence and then shocks him if he is against the fence. He didn't care. He'd stick his head through the gate to bark at people getting shocked the entire time, then jump the fence. However, he would sit

And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.

You've got to change your zincs once a season ...

They've had photos worse than this on the boxes in Malaysia for quite a while. Hasn't seemed to curb the habit there. Last time they raised the taxes, my friend's brother quit after 10 years because it was just too expensive. That's the only success story I've ever heard when it comes to the government trying to get

Didn't Giz have a photo challenge for this style of layered shot before?

I got the Dell XPS 15 a couple months ago. It blows the doors off MacBooks Pros doing video editing. The only thing I hate is those stupid little tile apps for photosharing and whatnot that come preinstalled. Had to get rid of those.

If I paint stripes on my dog it looks a bit like a tazmanian tiger.

I hate the Apple store. I usually just need an adapter or something. I know where it is on the wall, but there's no checkout. I have to track down one of the Apple-shirted hipsters meandering around the store and fight 50 other customers for their attention. Drives me nuts. Why not have at least one normal cashier for

If I was to get one, it would be so that I could use my Leica M lenses — an incredibly inexpensive digital alternative to the M9. However, I just can't get used to manually focusing on an LCD. I guess it's my eyes, but I can't do it very well on the X1 either.

Couldn't you just load these as a screensaver on your LCD at home? Seems a bit ridiculous.