
@joule79: Probably the 4Gs since AT&T is calling their HDSPA+ 4G. But Apple isn't going to go through the effort of making a CDMA phone redesign for only a 6-month run on Verizon. I expect a very slight improvement in June and then an iPhone 5 next year.

Oh, and there will be no fancy iPhone 5 this year. I'm guessing just an update to the iPhone 4 in June with very few new additions.

Even if a horde of people leave AT&T, the revenue from the early termination fees could give them a banner year. AT&T will be fine.

@chajjar: LTE won't hit until 2012. Apple is going to drag this cycle out with MINIMUM updates to the AT&T phone in June calling it the 4G.

@shimmer: CD-Rs were originally made shorter than CDs in an effort to stop bootlegging — at least that was the rumor perpetuated by my media law prof in class.

So this is how prostate cancer survivors pitch a tent — with a pump.

@LARPkitten: So you're saying it would be no different than my current bedroom conversations ...

We all have our hobbies. My first instinct is to balk, but hey, there may be this huge untapped well of poon full of women that LOVE dioramas out there. Who knows? Who REALLY knows?!!!

@ManoloDF: Right, but aside from the HSPA+, I think we're only going to see a revised back and antenna design — not really any new features in 2011.

If I should ever create something worthy enough that standards are set by its measure, then I will not have lived a wasted life.

I disagree. I think Apple will release an iPhone 4G instead of an iPhone 5 this year. The "4G" will be the only major advancement. If Verizon's LTE network isn't ready for iPhone, they won't have a new one this year.

Next question, will a mass of AT&T users switch to Verizon therefore improving AT&T's coverage or will both AT&T and Verizon just suck in crowded places?

Make sure that lens still focuses throughout its full zoom range. I had a drop like that once, and while at first I thought I'd escaped disaster, I found the lens couldn't focus through half the zoom range. I had to tuck my tail between my legs and go beg the boss for a new one.

@Se7en_speed: I'd like a quieter diesel as well, but I blew all my cash on this autopilot system. However, it's proven to be very tempermental and rather unreliable, so I wouldn't recommend going the same route. [www.flickr.com]

Very interesting — though it really only helps the military. Commercial and pleasure boaters want to be as visible as possible, so we don't get hit.

What kills me is that if you go to the computer section of Fry's, they have 3-packs of 6' cables for $10. Then you walk over to the Home Theater section, and they have branded 6' cables for $80. It makes me sad that consumers are so dumb that it would even make it profitable for them to carry the expensive branded

Another reason the iPhone should have been designed with a removeable battery. Thanks for trying to kill me Steve Jobs.

They probably made the car for a car ad and just re-used it for this. 3D animators re-use shit all the time. I think we used the same butterfly in like 4 different pieces at the old agency where I worked.

I wish I'd been in that product development meeting.