
Where's the mandatory cute puppy designs?

@OrbitalGun: Lol. When I'm passionate about a movie, I muster the energy to buy it on DVD instead of just pirating it. Arts and crafts are out of the question.

I guess I've just never loved a movie enough to do anything like this ... although I did try to start a Fight Club. Then I got hit and decided it wasn't as fun as I thought.

He must have just finished drinking beer in the sauna and still been a bit light-headed.

The point is that the lighted parts aren't blown out, and that you can still clearly see the people in the shadowed foreground. It does this very well.

The Leica cameras come with different firmware and different JPEG algorithms for less loss. However, it usually slows down the performance of the Leica cameras a bit. Of course, if you shoot RAW, then none of it matters — go with the Panasonic.

@Mark Wilson: I'm just teasing, Mark. I'm sure you don't really live in a basement.

@Sunset Flip: @Andrew Scales: @retrac: @KaZx: So we're all in agreement that Mark Wilson should come out of the basement for a look around before announcing each week's photo challenge?

Unfortunately, in Houston it still looks exactly like summer — except for the Halloween Express banners for the seasonal costume shops hanging on strip malls.

I'm going to guess it has an APS-C sensor to go up against Leica's X1 and the just-announced Fujifim X100.

Pffft. Call me when there's a walking stick monopod with a SWORD inside hack.

I think this next generation will actually develop social-network anxiety disorders.

You can't kill a potato anymore than you can kill the devil. Sure, you can strip them down until they're naked and vulnerable, but they just rise up again — born from the earth — permanently ingrained in the sub-conscious Jungian collective archetypes shared by all humanity.

It's been fairly succesful in Houston. I've never actually tested it, though.

Does this mean the app builder in CS5 is no longer worthless?!!!

@Curves: Implants are only about $7k.

Zoltan. Hahaha. I'd forgotten all about that guy and his failed turin test sex computer.

How big is a medium format sensor? I know that Leica squished one of those into an SLR body with the S2. I wonder if Canon could pull the same thing off with this.

@JackMatt: Fixed means it is actually on legs that go to the sea floor vs floating which means it's floating in the water and tethered in place.

$5 is still too high when I can still drive to the Redbox faster for $1