
to be honest, this is what’s fun about the game’s lore—that it’s indeterminate. i’m 100% sure that this lore was written with that knowledge in mind as well—after all, these folks have probably spent hundreds of more hours than you dwelling on this topic.

Cool. I am glad to have a reason to be optimistic.

Don’t think there is enough racism to qualify as a true “gamer moment”

The past year has been the franchise’s peak, with this expansion cementing it even further. They made the right decision to cut off all those bloated content. It was a more than worthy sacrifice to make.

“Console” in this case does not include the Switch version, unfortunately, since there’s no integration between the Nintendo eShop and GOG Galaxy.

This is beautiful.

No games are going to look like this.

LOL even in their tech demo she had to squeeze through a tight space to buy time for rendering.

here to help

Some things in this article bugged me, sooooo..

Step 1: Says has too many things more important than putting console on shelf.

What even was the point of this comment?

Sif? As a pokemon?

Now playing

Honestly it sounds like you’re nitpicking minor plot contrivances due to the use of time travel in the plot.

Buuuut...that’s what HE wants.

So its carefree, tonally confused, nostalgia infused, incoherent borderline nonsense that sounds both intelligent and impenetrable at the same time? Its the perfect Kingdom Hearts “review” then!

I agree, we should be calling it what it really is, a Bioware killer.

Made even worse when they don’t even read the articles right, its like they gave up reading a few paragraphs in then made up their own articles and say that is what Kotaku said instead and their stupid audience(who blindly worships like a cult) licks it all up without any fact checking.


This is good Kinja.

This is good Kinja.