held out for this version of the game. DS is a game I want to play for at least 10minutes on the train on my way to school, before cursing audibly infront of everyone, then playing something else.
held out for this version of the game. DS is a game I want to play for at least 10minutes on the train on my way to school, before cursing audibly infront of everyone, then playing something else.
All you need to know before playing Forsaken: Destiny is a fantastic game developed and updated by a group of people who do not seem to understand why people like it, who keep changing things for the worse or breaking things for the better, and who will inevitably fall on their faces while simultaneously lodging their…
I made this...I don’t know where I thought this was going, but I wanted to share...
I remember watching his dad pitch at Shea as a middle reliever, and I knew almost immediately that he would go on to have a son that would play under an NFL coach that has horrible clock management abilities.
Hasn’t finished yet. I think it’s ok to put ongoings on here, but the miniseries and limited runs are probably going to wait for the best of the year articles, just because those are intended to be read and consumed as a story with a beginning, middle and end.
I’m with you, I’m definitely not one of “those people”
the jimmy’s sure are rustled round here.
what part of the witcher is this screenshot from
Sooo... is there going to be a fix to make the main game beatable?
It keeps it nice and secure. The case is lined with material so it doesn’t scrape against the plastic frame.
It keeps it nice and secure. The case is lined with material so it doesn’t scrape against the plastic frame.
As it turns out, Bungie might have some issues communicating!
Read title.
Alternate headline: Publishing Executive With Fresh Blood Dripping From Hands Sure to Announce Good News, Thinks Studio Employee
Yeesh. I’m not usually one to indulge in the belief that EA’s entire MO is buying devs only to kill them all and let God sort them out (EA CEO Andrew Wilson of course having an interesting relationship with God as one of the original members of Lucifer’s army that was cast out heaven, that marred but still gorgeous…
RIP Respawn. Killed by EA waaaay before they bought you. Can’t wait for Titanfall 3 on Frostbyte to be released the same day as Destiny 3 or some shit.
Kotaku has a piece on how the new games are obsessed on a thematic level with BJ’s body, and how in the beginning his body is broken down and running on fumes. I actually appreciate the difficulty because it creates a dissonance between the Terror-Billy the Nazis spoke of in hushed tones and the broken husk of a man…
Don’t think that’s how it works. Only the winner weapon is sold, 5k for supporters, 50k for non-supporters.
They like to smoke cigs in the back of the school. I mean hanger.
I really don’t get get why people like dead orbit. Not only are they edgelord goth shitheads they are the faction that wants to just run away into space. They are space pussies.
I’m pretty sure I kill myself at least once per Tower visit.