
It felt more and more imminent over time that Kotaku was going to get gutted, but I never imagined it was going to happen like this. I will never click another “Gawker” link ever again. Fuck this and fuck them.

There’s also the extremely annoying console wrinkle that it takes seven seconds for the loadout UI to load in t

I can't wait to watch Jeff Gerstmann play this.

...it's free?

I doubt these are available without the season pass, but Bungie’s taken to providing bounties and missions at the beginning of each new season that will bring you up to 10 light under the previous season’s cap. Sort of trivializes the grind for players that stick it out throughout the entire season, but I’m happy for

I first encountered this channel with the Kermit episode maybe a month ago and it's quickly become my favorite. It makes me cry out of both sadness and hope. It's really something special and Syrmor has a future ahead of him.

Carl also made football picks on his old radio show.

Dataminers found references to SNES content in the online app (?), so that's where that assumption comes from. 

Fuck Dell Demps. I'm tired of looking at his smug fucking face. He's never done anything for this team, especially this, to the extent that I'm starting to believe he has blackmail on the Benson family.

Fuck Dell Demps.

What about this as biased? This is the mildest HOT TAKE I’ve ever seen and to paint him as an anti-consumerist for it is bold. You think “the industry” enjoys Jason’s spoiling their marketing plans and tossing the skeletons out of their closets? Have you listened to the ton of nuanced discussion he and Kirk have had

Also, when he reported Destiny 2 was getting delayed, the biggest Destiny community podcast shat all over him. A “wtf does he know, he writes for Kotaku” sort of attitude. Of course Bungo confirms his reporting the next day or so. Like, have you actually paid attention to this dude? Last episode I ever listened to.

Dude... there are so many places where you can get what you want. They owe you and your horse blinders nothing.

Update on the BS&P sequel, Jason?

Never did I expect The Splinter to link to a Gay Telese article (however classic). Kudos.

Leave it to Schreier to casually confirm an Overwatch sequel in a report on corporate cost-cutting.

Leave it to Fahey to fit a testicle joke into a sweet story about bonding with his son. I support this.

This reminds me of Tom Bissell’s reviews in the Grantland days, which were the best in the industry.

I mean, I can think of a better way: Have the mastermind behind Metal Gear make a Silent Hill game.

The mini-bosses in the beginning are called Labyrinth Architects, so that seems pretty fitting. Btw, the first one of those kicked the absolute shit out of me at 550 solo until I cheesed him, then I got absolutely annihilated on the second mob.