
You post so many incredible photos here and when you finally get to my hometown it's the one that looks like it came out of a real estate pamphlet. Sigh...

And I’d highly suggest picking up Jason’s book to read a hyper-detailed look at how the overhaul came to be. Never played a Diablo before but I’ll be getting in on this Day 1 most likely.

Played through Super Castlevania for the first time before my roadtrip, now that I'm back gonna knock out Super Mario RPG. 

How’s Activision feel about this, I wonder?

It seems crazy to me that Bungie has never commissioned a tie-in comic or novel, so it’s patently insane that this took four years. It’s already written! They could’ve averted all that microtransaction criticism had they just compiled this in print earlier. (/s?)

It’s a fucking game. Accusing an athlete of “classlessness” is one way I can 100 percent designate an asshole. Let them have fun. Maybe try to have some yourself. I can assure you, his opponents are not nearly as upset about his celebration as you are.

Where in the name of Highfather is Mister Miracle? Exquisite art and the best dialogue I’ve ever read in a comic book (I’d love someone here to provide material for me to challenge my opinion though).

I think you just taught yourself rubberbanding.

Notch one prediction for Jason.

So can we now talk about Darkest Dungeon’s? Because it, while not this bad, is also terrible.

How well does it protect the console without storing the dock?

How well does it protect the console without storing the dock?

Well Who Dat to that.

Pulses are gonna get buffed and that thing’s gonna be a beast, watch.

Try the Tarantula. Ain’t bad.

No thoughts on the purposed cross-platform online play? That’s what really made me want to get the game. Played it locally with my buddy on his Mac and we were stoked when we learned we could possibly play together with me on my PS4.

Racism, right? You’re talking about racism? Seems like you’re talking about racism. Maybe that’s just me, though.

That’s why I’m not all that bent up about it. Got two really fun guns out of the rally, so I’m good. Now to cope with the fact that I have no self control after I buy a scout I’ll probably never use simply out of my collector’s impulse. My glimmer purse, it shall hurt.

Last Hope is viable in the current PvP meta for CQC. Or that’s what I hear, as I haven’t dropped it yet.

I see at the end you referenced an extensive history shopping in the area, but I’m curious to know exactly how you knew what to look for when writing this article. Like do you have the values of these games in your head or are you researching on the fly or what? Super interesting regardless.