
Which is why I think comparing XV, just based on what we know, to XIII is silly. There’s already more variety in XV just based on the trailers and clips than XIII, so people need to just chill out.

Yeah, the game taken in it’s current state is a 5/10 easy. It’s fun for a while, but you can scrape the bottom of the barrel pretty easily and be left wondering what is left to do.

I think I can understand that feeling. It’s hard to become invested in a world where it’s almost entirely Look but don’t Touch. We never really get invested in why they want to save Cocoon other than there’s people there, who we really never meet, and we see next to nothing of it besides the lengthy corridors.

I’m on a work computer so those don’t open. But regardless, I’ve done my own digging into multiple videos, read dozens of articles and at best he’s Vague about it. He never explicitly says yes or know(Except in two video interviews which have been reused and shown by a lot of people as evidence where he says Yes to

Really any Narrative is linear. It’s a story being told not created, so there’s a defined Beginning, Middle and End involved. JRPG’s were always more about the Narrative than the Lore, which WRPG’s focus more on the Lore over the Narrative.

Not really, he’s been communicating about fixing the game(Cause it’s broke as hell, even with a delay and a day one patch) and not really about Multiplayer(There’s a lot of evidence he confirmed it and it was on some of the box art), the warring faction system, and all the nitpicky things people have called him out on.

You can apply this comment to the naysayers as well as defenders.

Lowered expectations is the secret to happiness. No sarcasm, it’s friggen true. If I expect garbage but find something actually good(Not great even) then I’ll be very happy. If I expect something epic, and I get something good I’m disappointed.

When another certain developer made promises that changed and never communicated with his fanbase that he made those changes, everyone jumped down his throat.

XIII was also devoid of NPC’s, Side Quests(Besides the Gran Pulse crap) or anything really worth exploring or doing besides fighting to distract from the extreme linearity of the game.

I think it’s worth pointing out I read this article somewhere else, and their wording of it was slightly different.

Typical Final Fantasy fashion(Minus XIII) we’ve always been allowed to go back to old areas RIGHT before the ending.

Tabata never said it was a full open world, he’s been documented saying that specifically. Plus Linear =/= Corridor FFXIII, it can also be Hub style like most other Final Fantasies, where you travel from one point of interest to the next(I.E. Midgar to Junon, sure you could run around in the landscape to fight things

I believe in an older interview New Game+ was confirmed by Tabata. It would be a waste to not go back and lay waste to earlier enemies you had trouble with.

Well based on past final fantasies, I’d have to guess you’re going to lose some access to areas based on what happens in the narrative but retain free exploration in the areas you can access. There’s usually a point in previous titles where the story hits a fairly linear path, then completely opens up for side

Does it really matter in what order the Linearity happens? Answer, depends on the narrative.

Spoiler: It really doesn’t open up. There’s a segment where you’re on Grand Pulse, which is just a much wider corridor.

There were things to do in 10, up to blitz and the airship although not as upfront. X at least had NPC’s you could talk to, lore you could learn about as you go, there was some semblance of life in the game-world that you could interact with. It’s still the 2nd most linear FF Game ever made though, and is one of my

Conversely, so should the consumers since this isn’t the first time a narrative has been spun that the developer couldn’t deliver(Spore, Division, Destiny, Fable).

Sadly Myst is not one of those games I ever really understood. First time I laid eye's on it I was 11 and I was far too into sword and sorcery games to bother with it..perhaps I should rectify that.