It’s amazing when some of us are lucky enough to have that ability to keep treading through all the sewage adults throw children into and make it out, somewhat, alive.
It’s amazing when some of us are lucky enough to have that ability to keep treading through all the sewage adults throw children into and make it out, somewhat, alive.
I am sorry about your assault. FWIW, I didn’t take away from this that somehow Exeter was The Example for rape culture, but that from the author’s experience, she could see ways in which the particular rules and culture of Exeter fed a pervasive cultural problem.
I wish I had read this piece in high school. I wish I had a better understanding of rape culture at that time. Brilliant piece, Zoha.
Absolutely. We need to dispense entirely with the idea that “good kids” don’t have sex generally. It closes off the discussion both between teenagers and adults, and also within teen peer groups. Even good kids make mistakes, do stupid things, and have misconceptions about what is acceptable behavior - not that…
Zoha, thank you very much for being willing to speak up and speak out about rape culture and sexual assault.
Very well written. I’m sad to hear that the rape culture I experienced in the late 90’s has changed so little. I did not attend a boarding school, but I did attend an elite private school in the Southeast from 7-12th grade. I had similar interactions with our headmaster and principal following my own sexual assault…
I like that she’s going to engineering school. Three of my cousins are engineers, two of whom are women, and they all agree: the world needs more women engineers!
I guess this means I’ll have to stop bragging about my breakthrough journalistic triumph during high school, which took the administration to task over not letting us eat lunch outside.
She is going places that’s for sure.
completely agree.
excellent. thank you, zoha.
I don’t consider people who condescend to me friends. Nor do I take seriously the “ally-ship” of people who are quick to pull said alliance the second they decide that they don’t agree with certain tactics. I certainly don’t think an alliance with someone who acts in paternally to be one worth keeping. I’m looking for…
Of course all of this assumes that there was an actual gun pulled. Given the mendacity of St Louis police (and the surrounding cities) I wouldn’t assume that a gun was pulled.
Oh and a mini boss battle should be Josh Duggar trying to grope your character while Jim Bob yells “he’s just curious!” And then you activate up up down right dodge jump start and you’re transformed into a T- Rex and you eat them.
This — this right here — is a candidate proposing a literal, actual, armed war on women.
Yes, what American needs is a true Christian, a man with the moral fortitude to shackle pregnant women to hospital beds until they are forced to give birth against their wishes.
I know!!!! My son loves that show, and when he saw that scene, he said, wow, that’s sad but true mom. It’s pretty fucked up when twelve year olds understand how wrong everything is and grown ass adults are all “bleep blop bloop pull up your pants!” :(
Maybe “white America” would be more accurate, and to the people who get shit on by America it the differences of opinion we hold don’t really matter.