
So, what... droves of same-sex couples are flooding his office with marriage license requests? In Casey County, KY? Millions upon millions of homos descending upon this poor clerk’s office? Yeah, ok. Not an attention-seeking bigoted asshole at all. Just (another) poor put upon Christian trying to Christian in peace.

I mean, they made sure to be born straight, middle-class and white. Is it their fault not that not everyone is as responsible as they are?

Personal responsibility is not for white middle/upper class cishet Christian men. They're good and responsible people by default. No matter what they actually do.

Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t get gay married. It’s not leprosy, you won’t catch it.

The great and incomparable CassiebearROAR posted it a bit ago and I stole it like a magpie binging on meth!

You know, right after I hit the Publish button, a similar thought crossed my mind.

OK, so Trump’s key demographic is confused, self-loathing women who vote against their own self-interests. Got it.

Him winning the Republican nomination in the primaries would basically be the greatest thing to happen for the nation, since it would guarantee a GOP loss in 2016.

WAAAAAAAAAY more than 12% of the GOP is anti-immigrant, racist trash.

That’s excellent. That’s the calm rationale leadership we need. He in no way resembles an overtired toddler who can’t have a cookie.

Da’yum. When the PGA, the whitest of the white, doesn’t want anything to do with you. You’re a racist.

Every single word that comes out of this bloviating gasbag’s word hole sounds as if it came from a petulant nine-year old, sulkily throwing a pee-pants tantrum

I really enjoyed when Donald got into an extended shouting match with like, the entirety of Scotland because they DARED to put wind turbines near his dumb golf course

The total sum of my thoughts on Donald Trump as told in vacation photos

people are the worst.

Welp, it finally happened to us, and on the three day weekend this last week no less. Customer opened up on us on our FB page at 1:30am Thurs night (so almost Fri morning, we were all off on Friday, Sat, and Sun.) This happened, of course, just as I was starting to relax that I didn’t need to check for such things on

its like being at a customer service call center desk but everyone in the world is listening to your convo and the customer on the other line can conference in 2000 of their closest friends to back them up

i just didn’t want to get yelled at for trivializing the story man

as someone who runs a company twitter account, i have stress dreams about this type of scenario