I hear that.
I hear that.
I can’t speak to nationality, just racial caste in the United States.
Doesn’t matter what THEY think, tho, does it? That’s what being black means: your status is thrust upon you. If a person is lighter skinned and can hail a cab, they are “lucky” enough to transcend the mark of Cain. I use “would have been a slave” to differentiate, for instance, someone who would not have been clocked…
With every comment from you, I fall more and more in love.
And her doing this totally discredits the legitimate use of theory to understand identity. She’s endangering the progress made in getting people to recognize gender as fluid and sexuality as more than mutually exclusive checkboxes. She is fucking it up for lots of people.
Yeah, the mental illness arguments and transgender comparisons are really grating on my nerves at this point.
Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which…
No, don’t do that. Sometimes people act bizarrely, and sometimes people do things we don’t understand, and sometimes people do terrible, terrible things. That does not mean that they are mentally ill. It is possible that they carry some diagnosable disorder, but to say that she must be (to even go so far as to suggest…
Same way a parent has to eventually tell their daughter that they’re not actually a princess or that their son can’t wear a cape to school.
Dolezal was first asked if she had ever straight-up lied to someone about her race. She replied, “No, because never have I been asked, ‘are you human or are you not human?’ Race as a construct has a fluid understanding. So I would say no.”
Because she’s a lying sack of shit blackface weirdo?
Reposting, because fuck this noise:
Can you imagine how much time he has to spend away from his wife and baby? His job keeps him away from his family for most of the year. I say, when the game is over, he has every goddamn right in the world to hug that baby and never let her go.
The way he’s looking at her...best dad ever possible.
Good luck getting a two-year-old to sit still and be quiet. They’re not dolls.
She's a cutie!