This. He should be in hot water for that alone, even if his side of the story is believed. You were dating a student? Really?
This. He should be in hot water for that alone, even if his side of the story is believed. You were dating a student? Really?
thank you, I'm getting started on the article
But boy did she get the memo that victim blaming and not believing and making fun of rape victims is ok. So please stop with your MRA bullshit and go and support your fellow rapist in another place.
She implied the 19 year old undergrad is lying as well. And that people need to just chill with all this complaining and “sexual paranoia.” Least everyone be labeled a predator. It’s a bit like a senior manager at a company in a very social industry writing an op ed in the WSJ about another senior manager being…
I’m going to ungrey this just because it’s such a useful illustration of the motives underlying people’s desires to make it harder for students to file complaints.
Guess they’ve organized to try to infiltrate Jezebel now? I haven’t seen what you describe but I have seen a couple of really chipper oddly supportive brand spanking new accounts for this lady. I mean, if MRA trolls are your biggest supporter...
Suppose the findings are correct. (They might well be!) Still, I don’t exactly see why we should be really happy about this excellent news for a person who uses their position of professional power to make a PSA that two alleged sexual assault victims need to buck up and take responsibility for their “mistakes.” Fine,…
How do you know he did not rape the student even if they were dating? Rape can happen even among married couples. It’s stupid to date faculty yes, it’s stupid to get black out drunk too but that does not mean one deserves to be raped for it.
Thank you so much for posting this. I can’t believe so many people here are defending Kipnis after her comments about false rape accusations being just as harmful as a professor raping students. It’s really disgusting.
The mattress protest is probably a bridge too far, but I cannot for the life of me understand why a…
As I wrote in another comment: A graduate student claimed that Peter Ludlow raped her. Ludlow claims that he dated the graduate student in question. The graduate student has consistently denied this. Kipnis simply assumes that Ludlow is telling the truth and implies that the alleged rape victim lying — even accusing…
I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. A graduate student claimed that Peter Ludlow raped her. Ludlow claims that he dated the graduate student in question. The graduate student has consistently denied this. Kipnis simply assumes that Ludlow is telling the truth and implies that the alleged rape victim…
I would like for people who have only heard her side of the story to look more into the facts on the ground. Here’s a more fairminded characterization of why there was an investigation into Kipnis:… Excerpt:
I think the title of this post is misleading. Long story short: a female undergrad accused Ludlow of sexual assault and a grad student independently accused him of rape. Kipnis’s article basically accused the graduate student of lying, of being melodramatic, and of harming Ludlow. Title IX prohibits retaliation…
Well believing that a large majority of people shot by cops are black also makes it easier to believe that it’s because most criminals are black and therefore have more encounters with law enforcement because of that. Black people deal with cops, not us nice, non-criminal white people.
You are probably right—I just wish that there would be real community policing that would keep the residents safe and not scared and oppressed.
But even if white people cared more about the large percentage of white police victims, it still wouldn’t solve the problem of the overrepresentation of black victims, or, more generally, about the huge number of total killings. The goal should be eliminating police killings overall, not getting the white population…
excited for the fun math that’s about to happen.
Theoretically I agree with you. But not everyone has the desire to be the one that will fight all injustice. I’ve seen people win their sexual harassment cases whose careers and reputations were destroyed. You have to know that this is a risk, even if you win. I admire the ones that fight but I’m sure as hell not…
This is one of those situations where the right thing to do from a big picture perspective is the wrong thing to do from an individual perspective. I’ve also read in women’s business literature that if your goal is to have a successful career, making a sexual harassment claim is a bad call. Whether or not the…
Current investigations into systematic abuse of boys and stories of police turning away gay men attempting to report rapes are indicative of otherwise so a statement like that is not really a safe bet.