
Maybe you shouldn’t go anywhere since people make you so upset. You sound like a miserable fucker.

Do you get angry at a handicapped person being in that spot? No? Why not? Because they can’t ‘help’ being handicapped? How do you know? Perhaps that person chose a profession that was dangerous, and hurt themselves, and now gets that spot. But of course, you can’t tell that by looking.

It’s like another form of street harassment. I am lucky now to live someplace where I can order groceries online and have them delivered, but I’ll never forget one time I ran in to a colleague at the supermarket when I was checking out with Ring Dings, a carton of cigarettes, and Glamour magazine - it was not funny at

My workplace tried to institute something like this (charmingly titled after that delightful program The Biggest Loser), and my asshole coworker promptly volunteered to be “captain.” I went straight to the head of my department and told her that said coworker already had a pattern of harassing me about my weight and

I tried to be polite for awhile, but eventually I just went full out bitch—when she made rude comments about my food, I’d just start talking about how delicious it was and how I just didn’t understand how she could live on nothing but Lean Cuisine. Didn’t she get tired of eating absolutely nothing but godawful cheap,

Did you politely tell her to go fuck herself?


I had a coworker at my last job who was routinely furious that, even though I was fat and she wasn’t, I still allowed myself to enjoy food while she subsisted in Lean Cuisine and fat-free yogurt. It made her SO angry, and she just couldn’t shut up about it—she’d hover around my cubicle at lunch time and make comments

Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.

This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men

because they are completely unhappy with themselves and then they see people who are happy, maybe people they think are even worse then them and it drives them fucking crazy. People who are happy don’t shit all over strangers.

Ooh, wolves! That’s a great idea. I have the easy out because generally as soon as I say my mom died just after I turned nine, people try to change the topic real quick. Sadly, death is easier to work with than estrangement.

Yaaaaaas exactly! People, man. Great name btw. :)

It is a cartoon satire criticising the Metropolitan Police, following the inquest of Ian Tomlinson, an innocent bystander who was judged to have been unlawfully killed by a Met police officer who assaulted him during the 2009 G20 protests in London. It took a four year campaign and legal case by Mr Tomlinson’s family

So, the half a dozen ‘trained’ police officers must have known this woman was schizophrenic (since it was on her official records), agitated because she may or may not have already been assaulted, and was obviously half their size - and yet they were unprepared for the fact that facing a gang of intimidating men while

This is part of a very serious national problem. Police officers are being taught that tasers are basically risk-free tools to get compliance out of people they’ve arrested. As such, they are used very casually and with little provocation. An Amnesty International study revealed that one-third of taser usages were for

I work with kids in residential treatment who all have a serious mental illness and an intellectual disability. They’re all from low-SES backgrounds and mostly black or Hispanic. I could see this happening to any one of them.

there is a relatively kind reading of this situation in which her being arrested is the best way to get her into state mental services, which is not an uncommon thing, due to the lack of availability of mental health beds in hospitals; i believe that the arrest warrant in alexandria was intended to help her, and she

Because the police wanted to punish her for struggling.

Ok, i’m 5’1 and weigh around 55.2 kilo’s. So i cannot imagine why it took six men to restrain her while she was in handcuffs and shackles?