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Not by much. England still had slavery in Canada, the Caribbean and South Africa up until mid-1834.
This. A world in which Britain retains control of Dixieland’s cash crops is not a world in which Britain outlaws slavery.
I saw the pack prior to the rebranding and passed.
All of them do that. The Cambridges did it ages ago too. It prevents people from slapping their name on random crap.
Eh, if people were already making money off of my image I’d want a chunk of that pie too.
I don’t know much about Harry and Meghan but given that both Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins seem to hate them they have to be doing something right.
>If the British had won, my ancestors would have been free sooner.
I’ll believe that they’re financially independent when Harry gets a job at Tim Horton’s.
It becomes easier to understand once you realize how much the press coverage of this literal non-event is an It’s Anyone’s Fault But Mine reaction on the part of the press. The article itself is like a throwback to Hurricane Katrina coverage: exact same pictures, telling a different story, that when put together…
My grandfather was in the IRA and I hate the UK tabloids for making me sympathize with the royals, but my leftist ass went so far as thinking that even if they’re born into privilege it still comes with a million more strings than the average rich kid has to deal with.
Our ancestors fought a revolution precisely to give us the right not to care about the British monarchy.
When you make British aristocrats the good guys, you’ve really gone too far.
The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy. “How dare our prince step back from his sacred royal duties of presenting awards, attending funerals and pretending to run charities! And just because we’ve been relentlessly abusing him and his wife for years? This…
wow. that’s pretty blatant. The flower one blaming her for trying to poison a child, then noting in an aside that Kate used the same flowers, was pretty amazing.
Hell yeah and if I were Harry I’d be fucking triply pissed, especially since it doesn’t seem like the Royals wanted to do anything about it.
This car is located in North Carolina. The chances of them being summer or all seasons is above 99%.
Correct. My 2010 SEL EcoBoost with 95k miles is only worth around $11k. This one isn’t much newer or nicer, has more miles and is missing the speed snails.
Don’t believe everything you read. The pic says armoalled old rubber.
$13 Large for this thing is a little steep. Replacing the 20 inch rubber (which will be pretty soon according to the pic) is a lotta steep. The Flex always reminded me of the box that Escapes come in. Does this thing accelerate so quickly that you need codpieces on the rear-facing seats? CP for the price and the…