Rabid Penguin

@Fossa: Um... Those aren't birds. That's an airbrush tool.

@salaczar: Thanks. I'm at work right now, but I'll be trying it in an hour or so. I'll PM you if I have any questions.

@salaczar: No, I'm using gimp. That was in my "note." Sorry for the confusion. I will look that tool up, thanks a lot :c)

@sassafras_: It's a 2D material in the sense that all the atoms are arranged in a single plane.

Photoshop question: I'm a photoshop newb but would like to participate. What's the best way to remove the letters from a picture like you did?

@RadRique: Just bragging rights... and sometimes not even that.

Welcome back photoshop contest. You have been missed.

@Richard Servello: You sound about as nutty as they come. When did he betray America?

@Richard Servello: Who did he betray? What is he profiting from or selling? How has he been oppressive?

Do they really need this kind of setup just to farm gold?

@Lawson Culver: why not wear a hat or a headband with a camera attached to the back? This seems like a lot of trouble to go through for "art."

@Richard Servello: You read it right the first time. It says "penguin." I'm not a rabid republican though. Bush did a lot of things I disagree with, but that doesn't make him a terrorist. I would never vote for Barack Obama if my life depended on it... but that also doesn't make him a terrorist. In short, I'm not a

@Richard Servello: You don't need to say any more, but without saying more your statement still makes no sense. Bush is not a terrorist. But you may be a troll.

@bob_d: Not on all air travellers. Just a random sample or anyone that they're suspicious of =P

@shawnbassplayer: That's how it used to be. Just walk through the metal detector and your good to go. But now people are hiding bombs in their shoes, underwear, and boobs and ruining it for everyone.

@JuJuMonkeyBoy: I guess he really hasn't done a whole lot of movies I haven't liked.