Rabid Penguin

@DrBoom: I apologize for the quotes. I didn't mean anything by it. And I know there are benefits given to marriages recognized by the state that aren't afforded to other people.

@DrBoom: Where does DOMA make it illegal for gays to marry? It says that states do not have to recognize other states definition of marriage (in regards to marriage between the same gender). DOMA does not however, make gay marriage illegal.

Marriage is an institution set up by God. It is to be a life-long union between a man and woman.

@TheGift73: Me too. Including all the guns.

@AbeVigodasSon: What else is there? Not much can compete with walking on the moon for the first time.

@kaffenated: No need to say you're joking. It's kind of obvious.

@Galvarez: Wouldn't it raise prices? Now Amazon has to jack up prices in order to make back the money it lost due to the DDoS attacks. =P

The comments on this thread are even funnier (or sadder) than the actual article. Instead of enjoying something a little humorous they nitpick at the spelling and grammar. It's a guy's rant. It doesn't have to be perfect. He's not trying to win a Pulitzer. You guys are all a bunch of anal-retentive, douchebags.

@Ghostnappa9001:Presumed innocent. But that only applies to the prosecution. Meaning it lies with them to provide evidence of his guilt. But even if found innocent, if he did rape someone he's still actually guilty. If companies want to drop support for him because of the bad press they could get for supporting a

I didn't see a link for it, so here's the original add:

My SSID has always been "USGOV" but I like that one better =D

@CallMeJordy265: Is that better or worse than screwing a pooch?

You mean to say that one man used a laser to relay a message to another man by beaming the message directly to his Face™?

@tehcutie: In the US, capital punishment is carried out by state governments. Each state can can choose to have (or not have) capital punishment, so taking each state individually some states have less, and some have more than India. I'm not sure if it works the same way in India, I don't know what control Indian

You may be underestimating the sheer amount of people that live in India. They don't need a large percentage of users to still have more users than the US.

@Gerald Kelly: "Basically pay enough, you can trademark any old bollocks and stop all the creativity using "patent infringement" "

@TechWiz80: I can actually envision the police going undercover to seize illegal phone users.

@NaraVara: The punishment may be a little harsh though...