Rabid Penguin

Why does the iphone get all the penguin games? :(

@Illundiel: "The original argument against McDonalds included that they might not ban said Happy Meals if they removed the toy from the meal...the argument is that the toy promotes children to eat unhealthy food...my take on the issue is the same as the governments."

@Illundiel: That's completely untrue.

@Pook365: Well first off there is a different. The toy won't give the child lung cancer or destroy their liver... but that aside, it's the responsibility of the parents to raise their kids with proper values, not the government.

@Pook365: I never said I was against laws. I'm not an anarchist. But believing in the rule of law doesn't mean believing the government should control all aspects of our lives.

@Illundiel: Government controlling our lives is NOT what society is.

@AngryFork: Aslan was a cat. It would almost make sense in a way to have Christ riding Aslan.

@AngryFork: You're correct. It is elementary stuff, in the sense that it's taught in elementary school. But recapitulation was also taught in schools as fact.

@AngryFork: .5%? Since only about 13% of Americans believe in naturalistic evolution and there are more than 2.1 billion people who profess to be Christians in this world I'm not sure where you came up with .5%.

@AngryFork: I'm not a troll account. People don't post pictures of Jesus on a dinosaur because they think it would be badass to ride a dinosaur. It's generally posted as a jab at people (namely Christians) who believed that man and dinosaurs co-existed.

@Voop99: I'm assuming your friend believes in the 6-day creation. I too believe in the 6-day creation. I'll probably receive a lot of flak for that, but whatever =P

@Voop99: "You can't argue with these kind of folk."

@aiurx: I don't know why people who make fun of those who believe in a young earth jump to crazy jokes about people riding dinosaurs.

Here's my old laptop. You think Ben could help me modify it for easier in-flight use?

@bowei437: I actually have a friend who has one of these. You can't really call it a laptop. It's bigger, and quite a bit heftier than a normal laptop. If you set it on your lap you'll probably be crushed by it. And I'm pretty confident it would not fit very well on an airplane tray table.

We know that the love of money is evil. Multiplying both sides by "love"