Rabid Penguin

@Cerasus: It's not that hard to eat healthy food. A lot of people just don't care though, and it's not the governments place to force them to eat healthier. And if a parent wants to bring their kids to McD's for an unhealthy happy meal with toy, they should be allowed to.

@toolonglyf: But if McD wants to offer the free toy with their happy meals then they have to lower the amount of calories in the food.

@angelo_a: but they shouldn't even be allowed to force McD's to do that. McD should be allowed to make their hamburgers 6,000 calories if they want to. They report their nutritional information. You don't have to eat it.

I wish I lived in SF. I'm sick of having to make all these parenting decisions by myself.

Nobody won... the case is being settled. That means the court did not rule in favor of Google or the plaintiff.

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@yuriythebest3: I agree. It could happen to anyone. This sort of thing happens all the time. In fact, a similar thing happened to me the other day. I thought the first two blue guys were evil henchmen of Sark. Turns out they were just running late meeting a buddy of theirs at Starbucks. I don't think they'll ever let

[double post]

@BilboTeabagins: Well if your box of crayons only contains one crayon and that crayon is not black, then you'd probably be correct. However, the more colors you mix together on the subtractive color wheel the more colors of light that get absorbed. If you mix them all together you will get black.

@Phatric: If you want to be anal, then let's be anal.

@axiomatic: I will say, watching a movie the length of Avatar in 3d gave me a splitting headache =P

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I agree. If anyone can make a sequel better than the original it's James Cameron. But the first one was kind of sucky.

@axiomatic: I suffer from the same problem. My left eye is extremely weak so my right eye tends to dominate. Sometimes it feels like I'm not even using my left eye.

@JAlexoid: And that bullying is probably what got him to challenge himself and push on towards being the best doctor he could be.

@Powerlurker: Yes. People do it all the time for one reason or another. Tom Cruise gets made fun of and ridiculed all the time. You don't see him jumping ship from Scientology.

@mchtchariand: If you push me and then I go home and kill myself who's fault is it I'm dead? I'm not trying to make light of suicide. It's very sad that young people feel it's their only option. In my high school we had quite a few suicides. But the question should be asked, are they going to commit suicide when life

I don't get all the hate towards bullies. Bullies are a very important part of our ecosystem. Why are we trying to rid ourselves of them? Are we trying to make extinct the ferocious bear, or shark? Are we bent on the destruction of the majestic, yet vicious lion or the spider who traps unwitting prey in its web?

@Joe Stoner: Sir, as someone who is from Nebraska your ignorance offends me. The reason why you couldn't buy Windows 1.0 in Nebraska is because the computer Nebraska had at the time was unix-based. We don't, and never have, discriminated against cows. They can use the computer like anyone else, so long as they wait in

@NorwoodIsMyHero: My older brother owns a Jeep, so he'd probably pull the stick out of his ass just to beat me with it for my comment. But while growing up, before he owned a Jeep, even he's used the term "Jeep" generically before =P

Some people use "Jeep" generically, like everyone calls cotton swabs Q-Tips, or all tissue is Kleenex, or all soda in the south is Coke. So everyone can calm down. Take a step back, take a deep breath, and pull the stick out of your ass.