Rabbit Troop forever

If he were a single man, if he were a gay man….
Still fucking gross.

Sorry about the eye strain, but thanks for sharing that you completely misunderstood my point. Next time I'll be more clear about the fact that this planet is the only one we know of that's capable of supporting human life.

All I do these days is watch Veep. I still can't get over how amazing she is. (Also, I have no idea how many times anyone has won anything)


Because, to quote my mom, "Hollywood can't get enough of patting itself on the back for how progressive it is."

Keri Russell, Nicole Kidman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

She's on it for Fargo
(As was previously pointed out down thread)

Good for you. I love the Science is real one. There are a bunch around here, too. Nothing to do with signs, but I've been getting a lot of comfort from Eric Reads the News on Elle.com. He's bitter, scared, and angry, but also hilarious. Gotta find ways to laugh.

Ugh, the damage to our democratic institutions is one thing. Systems can be rebuilt and improved upon. This beautiful and magnificent rock we call home? Not really.

Exactly- because things just keep getting worse! DeVos (allegedly) met with MRA groups to talk about Title IX, ffs! It blows my mind that as anxious/stressed/terrified as I was when he was elected- things are actually so much worse than I could have anticipated. Today I'm supposed to complete job applications and I

I know it's not the same, but I work in special ed., and I keep waiting for DeVos to announce that every school doesn't necessarily have to provide services for students with special needs. I'm considering taking a position in one of the richest districts in the country (not a demographic I ever saw myself working

Particularly white Christian women who are taught that women are inherently lesser than men- because god deemed it so.


They (45 supporters) also hate/fear any women who are not merely decorative.

Solidarity upvote. The only real comfort I can identify is that there are millions of us feeling exactly the same way.
Also, thank Christ I live in a neighborhood filled with Black Lives Matter signs.

Please don't! Running is fun. Or, if you don't like to move- meditation.

That's the spirit!

Well, how many people are in your family?

Didn't you read it? No one will be walking anywhere
But it's definitely a fair point.

Reading the entire article was so terrifying I actually started to go numb- like I was literally going to leave my body. I will say that it renders pretty much everything else I've ever worried about in my lifetime laughably petty in comparison. Formerly extinct infectious diseases thawing? Dead oceans of death? Never