Rabbit Troop forever

Nothing fucks you like time
Even dragons can't resist the charms of John Snow's manbun. I mean sexy Targaryan scent.
Jorah returns! I'm guessing that makes a lot of people happy, but I'm actually pretty meh about it.
Just what the world needs, another fucking Lannister

What kind of monster tries to kill a dragon!

Yeah, so… this shit's just gonna keep happening.
Seven months in, and I still have little to no idea how to cope with the fact that the president is a fucking lunatic/imbecile. A terrifying lunatic/imbecile, surrounded by actual monsters.

Upvoted for same aged-ness.

Upvoted for taintnugget

I haven't seen Crystal Skull but Temple of Doom is definitely the worst.

In my defense, I was raised vegetarian. In the eighties! In the Midwest!
Doomed from the start, in other words.
The hot dog thing was so great, 'cause I was dying to know what a young Indian girl in Paris (with every possible type of cuisine nearby) would choose to eat for dinner. It still makes me laugh 16 years later.

At an amazing vegetarian restaurant in Edinburgh, where they served a delectable (fake) duck and I discovered my favorite beer, Kelpie. I can't remember any other specific foods, but it was all superb.
Nothing like a fantastic meal in a beautiful city, and a hike up Arthur's Seat afterwards!
And now I'm wondering if

Well, I kept telling Jon to kill him, but I've got a very old television set, so he probably couldn't hear me.

He's the only one left with any real swagger. Never thought I'd say this, but Jaime just bores me now.

That was a failed attempt at an I'll be in my bunk-type joke.
*hangs head in shame*

Whelp, I'm off to bed, now.
Night, y'all!

Bless him, Euron really exceeded my expectations tonight.

Wait, why isn't everyone talking about Euron? He killed so many people I wanted to see killed.
Not all, though. Theon got away.

I just can't believe it took this long to get someone named "the Mooch" on trump's team.

You said "save a local orphanage or something"


As far as I can tell, Latinas are basically invisible/ignored, whereas black women have actually been vilified and blamed for a host of society's ills. White women who don't recognize their privilege make me insane.

And he keeps working on it even though no one seems to give a shit. That's a fucking hero, in my mind.

I split the difference and upvoted you instead.