Rabbit Troop forever

The line about a round trip flight from NY to London costing three square meters of Artic ice will definitely be echoing in my brain (until it inevitably shorts out). Also, this gem: "Most people talk as if Miami and Bangladesh still have a chance of surviving; most of the scientists I spoke with assume we’ll lose

Ahem. Ivanka is a feminist because she's a rich white woman.*
She's daddy's favorite because she's attractive.

It looks/sounds promising but the subject matter is just too fucking depressing for me given the current state of the nation.
Seems like just a few years ago this could have been a *See how much worse things used to be in this country* kind of tale.

The way I see it, a person's physical appearance (man or woman) should not be fair game, since, unlike words and deeds, it's usually not anything the individual caused/chose (except Conway's little Inauguration Day costume,) and it implies that unattractive people are fair game generally, evil or not.
That said, my

Yeah, I used to say the same thing about Ivanka.
Used to.

Goddamnit. I still can't believe we have to assert that black lives matter in fucking 2017. How is that open to debate?!? I walk past all the signs in my neighborhood daily to remind myself that there is still hope for this country.

I don't know if you're new, or recently changed your name, or I just haven't seen you before, but thank you- your username has brightened this achingly depressing thread for me.

I was raised by a Jewish father and a mother who taught me all about the Civil Rights movement and the violence/horrors of the earliest days of desegregation. I grew up in absolute mortal terror of racist/anti-Semitic white people. As a white child with curly dark hair I thought that if I ventured to the south I'd be

She spoke with a mocking lisp? Of course she did.
Obviously that's not the primary issue here, but Imo there is no lower form of life on this planet than the human beings who mock people with a disability, (even a mild speech/language impairment) and/or use the idea of a disability to mock those they disagree with

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and stick with willfully obtuse.
Best of luck to you both.

I consider bigotry a mental health problem.

Are you being willfully obtuse? Simply using the phrase "autistic rant" as an insult to describe another person's behavior is obvious bigotry.

Calling out, and being offended by bigotry is not a mental health problem. I've worked with children with autism, and known people with autism for decades. Honestly, (and this is a personal, not professional) opinion, you make my skin crawl.

I think you misunderstood my point. The only thing I "diagnosed" was projection, in the sense of accusing someone of being irrational, while acting irrational himself. I don't diagnose autism, I simply qualify students to receive special education services under the category of autism. And I think the idea of using

I hope this comment gets the love and respect it deserves.

"No need, even a cursory look at JMP's history here reveals a man at war with anyone who does not subscribe to his utopian world views. He hands out labels like "racist," "bigot," and his personal favorite "LIAR!" like they're Halloween candy. Which is totally how any normal, rational human behaves when they find

Well put, as is everything you've posted here. I feel similarly about the *oh, the shootings are all gang/drug violence* thing (which is essentially the same point). Well, yeah, but that's not awesome either. How do we stop anyone from killing each other?

Negative press about Chicago brings out the contrarian in me and makes me even more determined to live (just outside the city) forever.
*It's one of the most beautiful cities in the world and if you're too ignorant to know that you don't deserve to be here!!!*
What I'm trying to say is: fuck anyone who hates Chicago.

Some gun laws, yes.
In Indiana, specifically.

"autistic rant"?
Please elaborate.