Rabbit Troop forever

Damn, I'd forgotten that one. Unreal.
I wish it was still on On Demand.

These are all excellent, but I've got to give it to Legion, because I literally jumped off the sofa when "Up the Beach" started.
The person who mentioned the Bolero sequence makes a good case (by mentioning the Bolero sequence) but this was the first episode, man and it set the tone/bar for the later episode

But Winnie Lopez was barely in it!
Nikki telling Emmit that Ray was a kitten was great, and so was the Fargo theme, and Ewan McGregor is excellent as per usual, but I am amazed at how little I cared about any of them. (I could have slept through all the scenes with Gloria and her son.) Especially since season 2 of

Me, too!
(Except for everyone in Match Point but the actual leads)

Eh, no. Competent evil is the very worst kind. (Not going to share the most obvious example, but you could probably identify some historical figures who fit the bill.)

Thank you! Pence can get shit done, and everything he wants done is terrifying.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Stoll was disappointed in the "literal design choice," not liberal. One letter off, yet it completely changes the meaning of what Stoll said. It's a fantastic piece, despite being misquoted here.
And why would it "be easy to go crazy condemning" the idea of a version of the Salem Witch trials in

Already happening
Global warming, my friend. We're toast.

"You don't have to be dumb to like dumb entertainment."
Thank you.
*resumes watching whatever garbage is on Bravo*

I worked with a kindergarten teacher who believes Sandy Hook was a hoax because of Alex Jones.
She also loves the Food Babe.
I don't work there anymore.
Oh, and the punchline is that colossal idiocy aside, she was my favorite teacher in the building (I had spent a few weeks in her classroom before learning of said

Don't forget subjugation of women! I'm pretty sure that once they put a ring on it, anything was legal, and if there was no ring, she'd be guaranteed to keep quiet about it anyway.
I hate this world.

But, can I put Pablo to bed for a decade or two?

I am perfectly willing to engage in a Wolverine reboot with Mr. Schreiber. (Other filthy jokes about cracks at, loving to take a swing at, etc.)
Sweet, merciful crap what I would do to that man.

"Gloria goes to use the restroom, and when she tries to wash her hands, the automatic faucet works. So does the automatic soap dispenser. I’m not quite sure what changed;"
Seriously??? She got a hug from Winnie Lopez!
Affection, friendship, and human contact made Gloria real again, and how someone could miss (or not

I really, really, really love this story,
and goddamn is it dusty in here.

*hugs, hands Unspeakable a bourbon on the rocks*

Counterpoint: Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, and Sally Yates. Also, the Dalai Lama and maybe one or two more.

People like this beat the shit out of their daughter and two of her friends. All charges were dropped, of course, but it's still a disturbing tale.

Its comment history includes numerous uses of the phrase "Jewish media"

It's true, though.
I mean, when has he ever actually been forced to cover up evidence of wrongdoing/sleazy/unethical/morally reprehensible acts- those acts are the cornerstone of his career and his whole persona!
*grabs a beer, returns to bed*